// 華納音樂集團(WMG)與Polygon Labs攜手合作,推出了一個突破傳統的音樂加速器計劃,旨在在音樂行業中點燃創新。這個動態的合作夥伴關係應用區塊鏈和Web3技術,為藝術家和歌迷提供前所未有的機會,並支持開發者創建與音樂相關的dApps。

Warner Music Group (WMG) and Polygon Labs have teamed up to ignite innovation in the music industry with a groundbreaking music accelerator program. This dynamic partnership brings the power of blockchain and Web3 technologies to the forefront, promising exciting opportunities for artists and fans, and providing support to developers to create music-related dApps. https://cairoscene.com/Noise/XP-NEWS-Warner-Music-Group-Polygon-Labs-Announce-Web3-Accelerator //