上周,美國公布了十月遊戲機銷售數據,Wii銷量強勁,分別為Xbox 360的1.4倍及PS3的4倍,Wii淡友的預言,並未成真。他們的市場,跟其餘兩大的重疊不多,不是零和,就像你同時愛上劉德華和巴伐洛提,卻不能鐘愛曼聯和利物浦。
November 19, 2007 at 12:55 pm
看完以上的文章, 可以相信筆者是用舊(傳統)遊戲機的標準來看待 wii
November 19, 2007 at 5:09 pm
well.. got a friend who had 3 yrs old.
He asked me to play GOW and others FPS. Ends up his kid copy the Video game and “kick the door”.
Lol.. wii does had its market. Although is not for gamers like us, it is good for families setting.
November 20, 2007 at 11:09 am
Lady Cat:
November 22, 2007 at 2:04 pm
November 23, 2007 at 12:32 am
很老實, 貓貓很喜歡 wii, 就是因為他將十幾廿年來的傳統遊戲基本玩法(按鈕式), 完完全全推翻了
以一個革新的產品中, 迅速令消費者接受及消化, 這是不易、簡單的事
其實貓貓有一個奇想, 既然現時的遊戲機已可以直接上網、download. (wii 亦自設 wii chancel), 為何冇電影、電視公司, 同老任、sony 合作, 做一個收費網上 download 交易.
將現時 download 人 (電腦人), 用電腦看downlaod 電影的習慣, 搬回用電視看
至少到現時為止, 在 wii download 的舊 game, 仍未有人自稱可燒錄出來
現在這個時勢, 愈早登陸(搶灘)愈有利
To 思哲兄, 還是不要對 XBox360有太大幻想。 當你等待其 loading 的時間, 它足夠閣下去小解 (貓貓初次玩, 以為 hang 機), 畫面很美, 但遊戲裡的鏡頭很差, 很多死角盲點
November 26, 2007 at 1:52 pm
huh…. no fantasy for XBox360??? ng hei ar ma.
-Have no problem with its Loading time. It is faster than PC and use its Hardisk for cache.
-Guess 思哲兄 is same age in 7X period also play alot of Hardcore RPG ( Ultima, D&D) Bioware who develope Baulder’s Gate and NeverWinter nights release a game call “Mass Effect”. @ last there is a RPG that u don’t need to “watch CG movie” and liten to ppl it is a great game. ( Only FFXI is a good “RPG” to me)
-Xbox 360 is for online 與不同朋友對戰。”有機會可以有朋友借我過一過手癮,便此生無憾了.” LOL If I am your 朋友, I will think think sin as there are a lot of games for online and always occupied.
-Xbox 360 had many games features 與不同朋友對戰 and Co-op mission. you can play with friends and finish the game togethers. ( eg: Rainbow 6, Gears of War, Halo 3, )
– Go and see Call of Duty 4 , then think think Xbox 360 whether is good or not.
– Go and see see Ace Combat 6 , play online co-op with friends, with mic and voice chat to instruct your friend’s fighter where to go.
November 26, 2007 at 2:42 pm
思哲兄, u have write an article about Apple TV vs HKBN BB box. have any follow up. XBOX 360 work as a Multimedia box when you make connection with Windows media player or media center.