// The “Locked Chat” feature allows users to lock conversations that contain private/sensitive information. Similar to the previously introduced “Archive” feature, “Locked Chat” will hide the selected conversations from the main chat list in WhatsApp. However, with this addition, authentication is required to access the designated locked conversations. According to the WhatsApp blog, users can use a password or biometric authentication (such as fingerprint or Face ID) to unlock conversations.

「對話鎖定」功能允許用戶鎖定帶有私人/敏感信息的對話,並就如早前推出的「封存(Archive)」功能一般,「對話鎖定」會將選定的對話從 WhatsApp 主要聊天列表中隱藏,但是次就加入了鎖定功能,需經身份認證才能夠開啟指定對話。WhatsApp 網誌表示可以利用密碼或生物辨識(如指紋、FaceID)等解鎖定。 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/16/whatsapp-now-can-use-biometric/life-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=whatsapp-now-can-use-biometric //