// HD 畫質並不等於相片沒有被壓縮,如果用戶希望保持相片原本畫質和像素,就要繼續以往常的方式,透過文件檔案的方式發送。暫時未知上述功能何時會正式提供,亦無法肯定 WhatsApp 最後會否將之推出。

HD quality does not necessarily mean that photos have not been compressed. If users wish to maintain the original quality and resolution of photos, they should continue sending them through file-sharing methods as they have done in the past. It is currently unknown when the aforementioned feature will be officially available, and it is uncertain whether WhatsApp will ultimately introduce it. https://unwire.hk/2023/06/09/whatsapp-send-hd-photos-beta/software/android-app/ //