// VAIO P is a pocket-sized laptop launched in 2009. At that time, the concept of “netbook” was popular, which described a small, portable, and functional laptop. VAIO P boasted a slim and small body. The advertisement even put the VAIO P into the back pocket of jeans to promote its portability, causing a sensation when it was launched.

VAIO P 是 2009 年推出的口袋型手提電腦,當時流行「迷你手提電腦」(netbook)這個概念,形容體積小、可攜式和功能精簡的小型手提電腦。 VAIO P 標榜機身纖薄細小。當年廣告更是把 VAIO P 塞進牛仔褲後袋,以宣傳其便攜性,當年推出時轟動一時 https://unwire.hk/2023/05/06/vaio-p-may-happen-again/fun-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vaio-p-may-happen-again //