// 北卡羅來納州同樣在五月份投票禁止政府機構接受央行數字貨幣的支付。南達科他州州長克里斯蒂·諾姆最近阻止了一項支持央行數字貨幣的法案,同時也有人呼籲北達科他州州長採取相同的行動。與此同時,德克薩斯州參議員泰德·克魯茲表示,他希望完全阻止美聯儲創建央行數字貨幣。目前局勢十分複雜。

The state of North Carolina similarly voted in May to ban government agencies from accepting payments in CBDCs. South Dakota governor Kristi Noem recently blocked a bill supporting CBDCs and there are similar calls on North Dakota’s governor to do the same. Meanwhile Texas Senator Ted Cruz says he wants to block the Fed entirely from creating a CBDC. There’s a lot going on. https://www.bankless.com/cbdc-america-bankless-crypto //