// 穩定幣發行人 Tether 報告稱,今年第一季度淨利潤為 14.8 億美元,是上一季度業績的兩倍。該公司首次在其綜合儲備報告中公佈了比特幣 ( BTC ) 和黃金持有量的詳細信息。截至 3 月 31 日,Tether 在其資產負債表上持有 15 億美元的比特幣——約佔約 800 億美元儲備的 2%——以及 34 億美元的黃金,約佔儲備的 4%。

Tether reported $1.48 billion in net profit for the first quarter of the year, double the previous quarter’s result, according to its latest attestation published Wednesday. The company for the first time broke out bitcoin (BTC) and gold holdings detail in its consolidated reserves report. As of March 31, Tether held $1.5 billion of bitcoin on its balance sheet – or about 2% of roughly $80 billion in reserves – and $3.4 billion of gold, or about 4% of reserves. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/05/10/tether-reports-148b-profit-in-q1-reveals-bitcoin-gold-reserves/ //