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Robust Deblurring Software (update on 20 Dec. 2013 for v3.1, 20 March 2013 for v3.0.1, 20 Nov. 2011 for v2.0 and on 12 Jun. 2010 for v1.0)

It incorporated the latest powerful blind deconvolution technologies (here and here) to remove camera shake. It is capable of handling large blur kernels. Read more: http://bit.ly/2s6ViEI


科技日新月异,商业守正出奇。今天,“十年树木,百年树人”的自然规律仍亘古不变,而长成一家科技独角兽公司所需的时间已大大缩减。在新思维、新技术的催化作用下,人工智能、基因科学、出行、知识社区等领域纷纷 Read more: http://bit.ly/2rVG9XE

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