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Verizon宣布2000萬美元售Tumblr予WordPress母企 忍痛離場?!

網絡及保安公司Verizon宣布,把旗下社交媒體(Social Media)Tumblr售予網絡文章平台WordPress母公司Automattic,金額少於2000萬美元(約1. Read more: http://bit.ly/2z9WpHv

“New editor” is coming 原來WordPress有個新編輯User Interface

打開wordpress,想開po,劈頭有句 「a new editor is coming to help you」。 我真係以為,有個編輯會嚟打救我,幫我解決成日「冇嘢出」既寫扑性障礙。 誰不知,原來係個同medium有多少相似既User Interface! WordPress仲俾咗個名佢,叫做「Block Editor」,懶勁咁。 打個比喻,以前既editor,每篇文係一個單位,有咩setting都好,一改成篇改⋯⋯ 而家既block editor,你每「拍一吓enter」,就會生咗一個新既「block」⋯⋯ 而呢啲所謂block,喺可以有自己既setting,定義做:段落、列表、標題、Quote、圖片、相簿、檔案呀咁⋯⋯ 最正斗係,每個block,都可以有自己既顏色甚至CSS Class!! 而家寫扑風氣低迷,呢個block edtir,唔知道又有幾多人用緊呢 🤔

Startups Bet on Workplace Use of VR

Automattic, which makes WordPress, expects virtual reality to be a big part of its business in the years to come. If bloggers want to publish stories, videos or pictures in virtual reality, Automattic wants to help people produce and distribute… Continue Reading →

Facebook announces a WordPress plugin that lets publishers easily create Instant Articles

As Facebook prepares to roll out Instant Articles to all publishers next month, the company said Monday that it’s partnering with WordPress.com’s parent Automattic to release an Instant Article WordPress plugin. Read more: http://bit.ly/1QyZBOX

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