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WhatsApp Business如何開戶! 拾捌堂教你1分鐘設立WhatsApp Business帳戶

早前拾捌堂已講解了如何利用WhatsApp Business推動CRM(Customer Relationship Management, 客戶關係管理)。WhatsApp Busines除了是CRM必用工具外,亦是現時市場營銷專員(Marketer)必須使用的工具。由於WhatsApp在全球擁有近15億用戶,基本上是 Read more: http://bit.ly/2Z7Hrgr

Deleting messages on WhatsApp for all recipients starts rolling out

Message recalls have been rumored on WhatsApp for months now and every couple of weeks, we got a glimpse of the functionality in a beta version but it was always a false alert and never properly worked. Now the option… Continue Reading →

Deleting messages on WhatsApp for all recipients starts rolling out

Message recalls have been rumored on WhatsApp for months now and every couple of weeks, we got a glimpse of the functionality in a beta version but it was always a false alert and never properly worked. Now the option… Continue Reading →

WhatsApp adds Snapchat-like features

Sign in to AXIOS to save stories for later, get personalized news, and more! Sign in with LinkedIn Sign in with FacebookOR Forgot your password? Don’t have an account? Register now. Read more: http://bit.ly/2lovkc2

WhatsApp is headed for a 72-hour blackout in Brazil

A court order is about to cut off WhatsApp service in Brazil for three days, according to a report from O Globo. First announced on April 26th, the order was scheduled to take effect at 1PM ET today. Read more:… Continue Reading →

How WhatsApp Will Tiptoe Into Business — The Information

WhatsApp is planning later this year to offer banks, airlines and other businesses the ability to send one-way messages to customers, people familiar with the plans said. It will be WhatsApp’s first official move to lure businesses onto the messaging… Continue Reading →

WhatsApp 新 Update 解放新功能 ! 可 Send 文件 File 給朋友

WhatsApp 仍然是香港人最上使用的即時通訊軟件,不過一直都有不少功能上的限制,例如傳送的檔案只能是圖片、聲音或影片。最近他們解除限制,容許用家傳送文件。 Read more: http://bit.ly/1TQ0Qge

Peter Choi:Instagram 做到的估值,Whatsapp 一樣做到

265e18b Peter Choi, Snapshock 創辦人
「Instagram 做到的估值,Whatsapp 一樣做到」
傳 Google 10億美元收購 Whatsapp 繼早前傳出Facebook將會收購後,近日有報導指出Google也有興趣,疑將出手10億美元將WhatsApp收歸旗下。如今傳出Google將要收購WhatsApp,雖然在功能上有重疊的憂慮,但根據過去Google收購SparrowSnapseed的做法,一方面是將背後出色的開發人材收歸旗下,另一方面是壓止甚至是結束收購回來的服務,間接令自己少掉了一個強大的對手。 重要文章 1. Rumor: Google negotiating $1 billion acquisition of WhatsApp 2. WhatsApp: We're Not Selling to Google

Peter Choi, Snapshock 創辦人 「Instagram 做到的估值,Whatsapp 一樣做到」 傳 Google 10億美元收購 Whatsapp 繼早前傳出Facebook將會收購後,近日有報導指出Google也有興趣,疑將出手10億美元將WhatsApp收歸旗下。如今傳出Google將要收購WhatsApp,雖然在功能上有重疊的憂慮,但根據過去Google收購Sparrow和Snapseed的做法,一方面是將背後出色的開發人材收歸旗下,另一方面是壓止甚至是結束收購回來的服務,間接令自己少掉了一個強大的對手。 重要文章 1. Rumor: Google negotiating $1 billion acquisition of WhatsApp 2. WhatsApp: We’re Not Selling to Google

Google 點解想收購 WhatsApp?

事實是,Google用盡方法谷人去用Google+,我的YouTube、Google Reader、Picasa Web Album的使用經驗,通通因為「Google+」這件新產品,而受到或多或少的影響。 YouTube:統一用戶profile Google Reader: 先取消shared item,繼而整個Reader退休 Picasa Web Album: 整個變成Google+ Photo 很明顯,Google每一步的目標,都是將其他Google產品的用戶轉化成Google+ 用戶,想推動更多人使用Google+。 此刻Google最需要是什麼? 不同往時,Facebook的王國架設在firewall以內,並沒有向Google開放社交網絡上的內容和數據。Google不可以再靠「bot」自動搜挖社交網絡上的內容,從而提供贊助內容的配對。同時,人們的注意力,繼續從網站、博客,不斷轉移到社交媒體、手機Apps,要知道,手機Apps的對話也是Google所不能接觸的(想想WeChat、Whatsapp的聊天紀錄和內容),所以Google需要增加集團在Social和Mobile兩個範疇的本錢。收購是最有效率的方法。 如果Google收購Whatsapp,我認為,大方向也是如何助Google+跟FB爭一日之長短,雖則,大家都明白唔多容易。 當然當然,對大家而言,被收購後,是否意味Whatsapp將「永久免費」,還是比較關心的一件事。

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