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The Zoom Room

A year and a half ago, I converted my office at USV from a classic office with a desk to a small conference room with a couch, a chair, and a display for videoconferencing. I call it my “zoom room.”… Continue Reading →


Dropbox進行公司內部意見調查,近九成受訪員工認為在家中,能夠提高工作效率。(Freepik網上圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2H2OPq5

Microsoft WFHF

如果你幫緊Microsoft打工而家起一半時間Work from homeHybrid workspace經已無得逆轉 年半之前 我去過M記西雅圖總部Campus中間有間樹屋係度寫咗呢篇《走出中年危機》https://j.mp/2UQZ5Yb咁舒服嘅公司點捨得唔返? // We recognize that some employees are required to be onsite and some roles and businesses are better suited for working away from the worksite than others. However, for most roles, we view working… Continue Reading →

當在家工作成新常態 (黃岳永)

本文作者黃岳永為香港科技大學副教授兼高級顧問(創業),為《信報》撰寫專欄「科網人語」。 如今WFH或者SFH(在家學習,Study From Home)已經不再是短期措施,而是生活新常態。(Freepik 網上圖片) 剛剛收到大學通知,因疫 Read more: https://bit.ly/3aBSCoA

How to Successfully Start a New Job While Working Remotely

It’s hard to think of any professions that haven’t been impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Read more: https://bit.ly/3gkNerl

香港WFHF狂想曲 (高天佑)

本文作者高天佑,為《信報》撰寫專欄「新聞點評」,此為節錄版本,原文請按此。 全世界被迫進行WFH大實驗,起碼在短時間內,大部分文職工作確實可以居家遙距處理。(Freepik 網上圖片) 林肯講過:「你可以蒙騙所有人一 Read more: https://bit.ly/2BaPphU

Social Communication

Automattic has been a fully distributed company from day one: it allows us to hire globally, it’s efficient, and sustainable. We believe it’s the future of work. Because open source is a core principle of our company, we’re sharing what… Continue Reading →

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