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Tag wfh

虛擬辦公室軟件疫市崛起 恍如電腦遊戲 打破視像開會模式

遙距工作有助提升生產力,電訊、金融及保險行業尤其明顯。(新華社資料圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/37f94tD

WFH時代大贏家 (高天佑)

本文作者高天佑,為《信報》撰寫專欄「新聞點評」,此為節錄版本,原文請按此。 Slack獲Salesforce洽購,刺激股價周三勁漲38%。(路透資料圖片) 美國大選爭議意外波及科網行業,由於Facebook(WhatsApp母公司)、Google(YouTube母 Read more: https://bit.ly/37dk3U9

香港WFHF狂想曲 (高天佑)

本文作者高天佑,為《信報》撰寫專欄「新聞點評」,此為節錄版本,原文請按此。 全世界被迫進行WFH大實驗,起碼在短時間內,大部分文職工作確實可以居家遙距處理。(Freepik 網上圖片) 林肯講過:「你可以蒙騙所有人一 Read more: https://bit.ly/2BaPphU

Social Communication

Automattic has been a fully distributed company from day one: it allows us to hire globally, it’s efficient, and sustainable. We believe it’s the future of work. Because open source is a core principle of our company, we’re sharing what… Continue Reading →

The Remote Work Shift and Debate

The conversation around remote working continues to get more interesting. The topic of remote work is now coming from all aspects of the tech industry, and the news from Twitter that all their employees have the option to work remotely… Continue Reading →

Tools and Tips for Working Remotely From 500 & GitLab

On March 16th, 500 had the opportunity to lead a chat with Darren Murph, the Head of Working Remote at GitLab. Due to the novel COVID-19 virus, many companies are adapting their workforces to be partially, if not completely, remote…. Continue Reading →

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