// 美國財政部在聲明中表示:「評估結果發現,NFTs 極易被用於欺詐和詐騙,並且容易被盜竊。該報告認定不法份子能夠使用 NFT 來清洗前置犯罪的所得,而且經常與其他手段結合使用,以掩蓋非法的犯罪所得來源。它也發現,到目前為止,恐怖份子或擴散者濫用 NFT 的證據很少,與詐騙者的情況相反。」 https://zombit.info/us-treasury-department-reported-nft-prone-to-fraud-recommends-rules-provide-clarity/ //
// However, some users would like to believe that Sun is making a diversionary attempt to hide behind the goodwill of his references. An X user identified as Zac Sun claimed that Sun is nothing like the duo he is… Continue Reading →
// Hong Kong’s crypto ETF debut did not meet hopes and competition for the digital asset hub as the initial excitement diminished, leading these fund outflow trends. Data from Bloomberg suggests that the funds experienced investor outflows in six Bitcoin… Continue Reading →
// 我所主張的 LikeCoin 3.0 升級,最核心的改動是把 LikeCoin 的區塊鏈底層搬到以太坊的 L2。換言之,LikeCoin 先從以太坊 L1 的 ERC-20 通證,變成現時以 Cosmos SDK 為基礎的公鏈,並建議再次搬回以太坊,成為 L2 上的 ERC-20 通證。 https://ckxpress.com/likecoin3-ethereum/ //
// The crypto lobby is more powerful than ever this year, and has already shaped some key Congressional elections. The crypto industry is hoping that a friendlier and more educated group of lawmakers could finally push through a regulatory framework… Continue Reading →
// Ripple 執行長 Brad Garlinghouse 近日在 Podcast 節目 World Class 上透露,美國政府正將矛頭指向全球最大的穩定幣發行商 Tether,美國對這家穩定幣發行商的潛在行動可能會在加密貨幣領域引發重大動盪。同時,一份聯合國報告也揭示了加密貨幣在洗錢方面的廣泛使用,尤其是在非法線上賭博平台中。其中,TRON 區塊鏈上的 USDT 採用尤為突出。 https://zombit.info/ripple-ceo-government-target-tether/ //
// Arch Labs, the inventors of Arch, a Bitcoin-native application platform that unlocks bridgeless decentralized finance (DeFi) on the world’s largest blockchain, today announced a $7M series seed round led by Multicoin Capital with participation from Portal Ventures, OKX Ventures,… Continue Reading →
// China has a long and rocky history with cryptocurrencies, effectively banning crypto multiple times. So access to crypto ETFs in Hong Kong could be a rare route for investors from mainland China to access crypto. https://coinspectator.com/decrypt/2024/04/30/hong-kongs-bitcoin-and-ethereum-etfs-a-message-from-china-osl-ceo/ //
// 據中央紀委國家監委駐中國證監會紀檢監察組、廣東省紀委監委消息:中國證監會科技監管司司長、資訊中心主任姚前涉嫌嚴重違紀違法,目前正接受中央紀委會國家監委駐中國證監會紀檢監察小組紀律審查及廣東省汕尾市監察委員會監察調查。 https://www.coinspeaker.com/china-cbdc-mastermind-investigation/ //
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