// Spatial Labs company made a splash in the industry two years ago by selling clothes designed by Sandu, which were embedded with a microchip called LNQ (pronounced link) that provided consumers with the item’s provenance and ownership history, seen,… Continue Reading →
// “The successful candidate will be responsible for leadership of HM Treasury’s work on a potential digital pound – a UK central bank digital currency (CBDC). This work is important, complex and cross-cutting, and the leadership will involve extensive engagement… Continue Reading →
// 來到兔年,我學會偷懶,交由機械人代勞,幫我找出持有我的作品 Writing NFT 的讀者,然後批量為所有人送上我的紅包與祝福。 https://ckxpress.com/rabbit-2023/ //
// Psychic VR is a leader in the XR (extended reality) field in Japan, operating the XR creative platform “STYLY” that is used by more than 50,000 artists worldwide with a viewer app that has been downloaded 5 million times…. Continue Reading →
// Building and maintaining a Web3 community is hard, costly and time-consuming. Communities are always on and require significant investment in moderation and setup. However, not all projects require a community. Projects like Tiffany’s NFTiff, for example, simply extend the… Continue Reading →
// It certainly was a splashy headline. “New FTX Chief Says Crypto Exchange Could Restart,” The Wall Street Journal declared on Thursday. And boom! Just like that, FTX’s notorious FTT token shot up more than 20% in a matter of… Continue Reading →
// Elsa Jean is in the top 1% of OnlyFans creators by earnings. In just one month, she sold $30,000 worth of NFTs priced at about $250 USD. Jean says she has no plans of leaving the Web3 space. https://www.businessinsider.com/onlyfans-creator-elsa-jean-nft-andplans-on-staying-in-web3-2023-1… Continue Reading →
// Coinbase 呼籲日本客戶取回法定貨幣和加密貨幣資產,又表示 2 月 16 日後未提取的加密資產將會被轉換成日元,再發送到日本法務局的擔保帳戶以供檢索。除了 Coinbase 宣佈終止日本的業務,其競爭對手 Kraken 數星期前亦表示,會在今年 1 月退出日本市場。 https://unwire.hk/2023/01/19/coinbase-quits-japan-market/life-tech/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=coinbase-quits-japan-market //
// Funded by China Wanxiang Holdings in Sep.2015, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is a non-profit research institution with Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum as its Chief Scientist. Aiming to accelerate socioeconomic development with blockchain technologies https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hong-kong-web3-festival-2023-133700122.html //
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