// Sethi has minted his resignation letter as an open-edition NFT using the digital collectibles protocol Manifold. He added that 100% of the proceeds of this NFT will “go to survival”. The project dubbed “New Beginnings” has been priced at… Continue Reading →
// “Token mapping is the process of identifying the key activities and functions of products in the crypto ecosystem and mapping them against existing regulatory frameworks,” the paper said https://coinspectator.com/coindesk/2023/02/03/australia-releases-token-mapping-consultation-paper-plans-to-reveal-crypto-rule-framework-in-2023/ //
// 外媒引述消息人士指,平台支付系統首階段只支持法定貨幣,但未來有很大機會會支持加密貨幣。Elon Musk 入主 Twitter後一直預告會將支付功能融入社交平台。去年 10 月他也曾發文稱收購 Twitter 有助他開發一款「萬用」 App https://unwire.hk/2023/01/31/twitter-new-payment-system-may-support-cryptocurrency/fun-tech/ //
// Brazil is one of Binance’s ten-largest markets, the crypto said, adding that the prepaid card will all new and existing Binance users in the country to shop and pay bills with cryptocurrencies at Mastercard merchants. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/10p1jpd/mastercard_binance_launching_prepaid_card_in/ //
// Paris-based Sorare — which is backed by star players including Kylian Mbappé and Lionel Messi — announced a four-year licensing contract with the Premier League on Monday. Users will be able to collect and trade digital cards representing players… Continue Reading →
// At the present moment in time, the Brave Group has declared to make funding of approximately 300 million yen with the formation of its alliance with Animoca Brands Japan. This will go towards their overall expansion plans and work… Continue Reading →
// 加密貨幣被盜可以怎辦?首先要知道自己的加密貨幣被盜,然後尋找警方律師的幫助,從而短時間內取得凍結令。是次例子值得向大家分享的就是傳票的過程,在沒有地址的情況下要怎樣做? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzR8JFivxI4 //
// Yuga Labs 去年因無聊猿的使用權問題控告外國一名藝術家 Ryder Ripps。Ripps 在自己推出的 NFT 《RR/BAYC》中使用了無聊猿的圖片,並以每張約 200 美元(約港幣 1560 元)的價格出售。 法院指,若要對 BAYC 的版權提出訴訟,需要先為其版權註冊。 Yuga Labs 沒有註冊版權,因此 BAYC 也不存在版權糾紛問題。 https://unwire.hk/2023/01/27/yuga-labs-lacks-bored-ape-image-copyright/fun-tech/ //
// 1. Implement a reward and privilege-based economy 2. Provide immersive virtual experience 3. Do away with Web3 complexities 4. Capitalize on-chain data 5. Focus on building a community https://www.coindesk.com/powered-by-consensus/web3-marketing-tips/ //
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