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Coinbase CEO Boast Exchange’s Regulatory Compliance Efforts as Binance Chief Steps Down

// 事實上 Coinbase 也正在經歷與 SEC 的對抗當中:今年 6 月,SEC 在紐約聯邦法院起訴 Coinbase ,聲稱該交易所作為未註冊的國家證券交易所和經紀商運營。就在消息傳出後幾個小時,美國證券交易委員會也 起訴幣安 違反多項規則。而 Coinbase 先前指出,其資產均不符合證券資格。今年 10 月,該交易所對監管機構對證券的解釋提出質疑,並指責越權。 https://www.coinspeaker.com/coinbase-ceo-regulatory-compliance/ //

From Binance CEO to Mentor: CZ’s Post-Exit Plans in Crypto

// CZ 表示,當局不再指控幣安挪用用戶資金或參與任何市場操縱行為。作為和解協議的一部分,幣安同意支付超過 40 億美元,CZ 也將辭去職務。 作為協議的一部分,CZ 預計將繼續被拘留 18 個月。然而,不到24小時,這位幣安前任負責人就被釋放。根據官方法庭記錄,這位來自中國的軟體工程師為獲釋支付了 1500 萬美元,作為 1.75 億美元的個人保證金的一部分。 https://www.coinspeaker.com/binance-ceo-mentor-cz-post-exit/ //

Coinbase 報告:64%機構投資者計劃在未來 3 年內增加加密貨幣配置

// Coinbase 在其最近委託進行的一份調查報告中發現,在目前投資於加密貨幣的機構投資者當中,有 64% 打算在未來三年內增加對數位資產的配置,沒有一家機構預期會減少配置(36% 預計其公司的配置會維持不變),這個結果顯示出機構採用和情緒仍然強勁。 https://zombit.info/coinbase-2023-institutional-investor-digital-assets-outlook-survey/ //

Animoca Brands Joins Chiliz’s Popular SportsFi Ecosystem

// Chiliz revealed that Animoca Brands has become a validator and key participant on the Chiliz Chain, contributing to the decentralization of the platform’s governance. The Chiliz ecosystem boasts a diverse range of offerings, including metaverse-based sports games, football and… Continue Reading →

Hong Kong-Listed Tech Firm Starts New $15 Million Bitcoin Fund

// Wang Fang, the founder of Linekong, said in a tweet that the fund, dubbed “BTC Next,” will be used to accelerate emerging projects in the Bitcoin ecosystem, including “asset issuance protocols, trading markets, expansion, virtual machines, NFT, RWA, and… Continue Reading →

Why Hong Kong is still bullish on crypto – MIT Technology Review

// It felt as if I’d jumped into a time machine; the executives of international crypto heavyweights like Crypto.com and Bored Ape Yacht Club attended the conference in person, while the CEO of Coinbase videoed in for a fireside chat…. Continue Reading →


// 如果你是甄子丹主演葉問電影系列的擁躉,又對小說抱着同樣期望的話,我勸你最好別買這部小說。但如果你跟我一樣,不埋單甄氏系列搬弄的民族情緒,嫌裡頭的葉問神勇、離地、專一、完美,反而較喜歡黃秋生主演的《葉問:終極一戰》的話,《勇者的黃昏》大概不會讓你失望。 https://ckxpress.com/ipman/ //

大英博物館擲億元 數碼化240萬藏品

// 數碼化項目預料能進一步提升大英博物館知名度,讓更多無法親身到場參觀的民眾,在世界各地欣賞館內珍品,不但減低失竊風險,亦有助推動文物保育。事實上,相關項目自2020年啟動,新冠疫情某程度加速了進程。除網上展品,大英博物館還計劃增加博物館的學習室名額,讓公眾及學者預約,從而觀看更多收藏品 http://ejtech.hkej.com/?p=139646 //

Animoca Brands acquires Azarus to bring streaming to Web3 games – VentureBeat

// Azarus is pioneering blockchain-based game streaming. The strategic move aims to integrate Azarus’ innovative technology into Animoca Brands‘ portfolio, further enhancing the streaming capabilities within Web3 games. The price for the acquisition of the majority stake wasn’t disclosed. https://venturebeat.com/games/animoca-brands-acquires-azarus-to-bring-streaming-to-web3-games/… Continue Reading →

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