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是友不是敵 智能科技可成人類得力助手

早前落幕的圍棋人機對決被喻為「世紀之戰」,那些機器超越人類、甚至在未來對人類社會構成威脅的言論又再老調重彈。超級電腦的人工智能擁有自我學習能力,隨着所得資料及數據愈來愈多,其邏輯分析及推算能力毋庸置 Read more: http://bit.ly/1TSUTiQ

SleepHealth debuts as first ResearchKit app & study to support IBM Watson Health Cloud

https://youtu.be/ZPXCF5e1_HI Almost one year after IBM announced Watson Health Cloud, a cognitive computing platform built in partnership with Apple, Johnson & Johnson and Medtronic, the computing giant on Tuesday debuted SleepHealth, an app and ResearchKit study investigating the connection between… Continue Reading →

我最期待的畫面出現了!SAO 刀劍神域 VR 始動,IBM 全力支援

正當近日大家都在密切關注 World Mobile Congress 的時候,那一邊廂茅場晶彦的計劃卻在蠢蠢欲動了。說的正是知名輕小說及動畫 Sword Art Online 宣佈正式 VR 化,終於要把這個空想故事帶到真實世界了! Read more: http://bit.ly/1WDYA9Y

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