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各國因應疫情封城鎖國,對商業活動構成重大打擊。在初創及科技領域,公司管理層未能跟客戶和潛在投資者會面商談,導致不少融資交易難以成事。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2NTqpPq

A step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect fundraising pitch deck

While it’s hard to tell a startup what exactly to put in its pitch deck, there’s an effective framework that can help a company build one. As one of the more famous VC firms in the world, Sequoia Capital’s pitch… Continue Reading →

Hong Kong-based Lever VC announces RMB 200M Alternative Protein Fund

Lever VC, a U.S. and Hong Kong-based alternative protein venture capital fund, has launched an RMB 200 million (approximately US$28 million) joint investment fund and accelerator, to fund Chinese plant-based and cell-cultivated meat and dairy companies, the firm announced in… Continue Reading →

[Exclusive] Half of India’s unicorns have Chinese investors. What happens now?

Bengaluru: Even as geopolitical tensions intensify between India and China, the dragon still holds sway over the startup ecosystem, with half of the Indian unicorns backed by Chinese investors. Read more: https://bit.ly/2YkYlu8

補充創科生態缺口 (Innovate for Future邱達根)

IF召集人邱達根建議,港府可考慮運用未來基金,支持本地初創發展。(盧詠賢攝) Read more: https://bit.ly/3dniWlU

中美基金融資考慮 (海闊天空創投文立)

文立提到,若初創打算在內地上市,宜先考慮人民幣架構基金。(盧詠賢攝) Read more: https://bit.ly/2B4Et5t

Our Investment Framework Post-COVID-19

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has affected nearly every industry globally. Read more: https://bit.ly/2XQDmiW

10 ways to redesign venture finance for a more inclusive post-COVID world

Impact investing was created to revolutionize capital markets. Instead, we are replicating them. This needs to change. The good news is, the structures we need to reform the capital system already exist. Read more: https://bit.ly/2As1miN

Is RBF an alternative to traditional loans and venture capital?

The era of “move fast and break things” looks to be over. Once conducive to unicorns and venture capitalists with a kingmaker bent, this high-growth and high-risk mentality is losing appeal among business owners amid decreasing stock prices and the… Continue Reading →

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