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China, Leverage, and Values

Tim Culpan declared at Bloomberg that The Tech Cold War Has Begun after the Trump administration barred companies viewed as national security threats from selling to the U.S., and blocked U.S. companies from selling to Huawei specifically without explicit permission…. Continue Reading →

Chinese investors turning away from U.S. startups

Chinese investors are increasingly turning away from U.S. tech startups and diverting money towards companies in Southeast Asia and India in the face of bilateral tensions, according to Edith Yeung, partner at Proof of Capital and advisor to 500 Startups…. Continue Reading →

FCC chairman opposes China Mobile bid to provide U.S. services

FILE PHOTO: Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor, Maryland, U.S., February 23, 2018. Read more: https://reut.rs/2IBHxaS

Trump administration to unveil big 5G push

President Trump and his top telecom regulator will announce plans today to unleash the largest-ever swath of radio frequencies in the U.S. and a $20 billion fund to help wireless companies to keep pace with global rivals — specifically China… Continue Reading →

Funding Friday: Math In America

Did you know this? Well, this film that is being funded on Kickstarter is all about the math crisis in America. I backed it this morning and you can too. Read more: http://bit.ly/2X5hgWo

美5G實力一年追貼中國 齊冠全球

原文刊於信報財經新聞 有報告預計,2020年全球40個國家將有80間電訊商推出5G服務。(法新社資料圖片) 5G競賽帷幕正式拉開,有調查顯示中美實力叮噹馬頭,兩國今年在準備程度上並列全球首位。美國無線通訊和互聯網協會 Read more: http://bit.ly/2FQtuvm

兩強對決陰霾密布 習主席口誤惹猜疑

一、 去周《經濟學人》以「危機四伏的中美對抗」(China vs America: A dangerous rivalry)為主題,封面圖像以美國「國鳥」禿(白頭)鷹嵌入龍首,非常生動切題且彰顯了龍的威猛!自從特朗普政府「主催」啟動這場中美貿易戰之後 Read more: http://bit.ly/2Rg9xCh

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