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UK’s £1bn strategy for semiconductor industry lacks ambition, say critics

// 英國期待已久的國家半導體戰略將聚焦於該國在技術方面的現有優勢。工黨指責政府在宣布中缺乏雄心,而一家英國初創公司表示,10億英鎊的數字還不足以建設一個基本的半導體工廠的成本。 The UK’s long-awaited national semiconductor strategy would focus on the country’s existing strengths in the technology. Labour accused the government of lacking ambition in its announcement, while one UK startup said the £1bn figure was less than the… Continue Reading →

Crypto should be regulated as gambling, UK lawmakers say

// 根據英國議會的一份報告,周三,一個由英國議會議員組成的小組表示,考慮到比特幣、以太幣和其他加密貨幣對消費者帶來的重大風險,應該將其視為賭博而加以監管。 Bitcoin , ether and other cryptocurrencies should be regulated as gambling given the significant risks they pose to consumers, a panel of UK lawmakers said in a report on Wednesday. https://biztoc.com/x/ffadbd1407d54380 //

英率先供烏長程導彈 美斥南非向俄運送彈藥

// The UK government announced on Thursday that it has provided long-range missiles to Ukraine, marking the first time the West has supplied long-range missiles to Ukraine. On the same day, the United States accused South Africa of supplying ammunition… Continue Reading →

英國引進人工智能監視器 捕捉公路亂抛垃圾違法司機

// Artificial intelligence surveillance cameras will streamline the process by automatically recording the license plate and information of vehicles involved when littering is detected. The recorded data will be transmitted to the control centre of law enforcement agencies, where personnel… Continue Reading →

UK companies which have introduced a four-day work week in 2023

// The traditional 9-5 is dead. Four in five UK businesses now believe flexible working is critical to success. the new perk in town is the four-day work week. Research indicates the demand is high. 7 in 10 employees plan… Continue Reading →

電話詐騙日趨嚴重 英國宣佈成立反詐騙小組

// The government plans to strengthen its crackdown on fraudulent activities, which includes a comprehensive ban on telemarketing of financial products. Legal investment products, cryptocurrencies, and insurance products of financial institutions will be regulated and cannot be telemarketed. The new… Continue Reading →


2005年嗰時,工黨政府搞咗個要改變房屋建設嘅比賽。呢個由副首相 John Prescott 嘅”六萬英鎊房屋”設計比賽,目的係要通過使用 MMC (Modern methods of construction) 嚟提供低成本、可持續發展嘅房屋。 得獎者入面,2007年落成嘅122戶Oxley Woods社區,用咗預製組件建成,當時啲評審覺得佢最「富革命性」。初時嚟到 MK,第一印象都覺得啲樓望落幾特別嘅。 但原來喺完成之後嘅七年後,Oxley Woods 社區就爆咗一大堆例如漏水、濕氣或同潮濕相關嘅問題。 調查報告冇指責建設團隊嘅特定成員,包括建築師 RSHP、開發商Taylor Wimpey 定係 MMC 承包商 Wood Newton。 埋單嘅 Oxley Woods 居民當然要硬食,計返佢哋當年花咗至少20萬英鎊買屋;喺 Rightmove 度做咗個簡單 factcheck… 同一個地區嘅四房排屋,Oxley Woods用MMC建嘅賣 33 萬英鎊,而另一間用傳統建築方法嘅就要價 40 萬英鎊,咁如果捱到今日都賺嘅,係賺少一截囉。

UK business owners are the most unhappy

// 英國企業主的福祉水平明顯較低。在七個調查國家中,紐西蘭的小企業主報告了最高的生活滿意度,其次是南非和新加坡。 British business owners struggle with significantly lower levels of wellbeing. Out of the seven countries surveyed, New Zealand small business owners reported the highest level of life satisfaction, closely followed by South Africa and Singapore. https://smallbusiness.co.uk/uk-business-owners-are-the-most-unhappy-2566995/ //

Apply for the Startups 100 Index 2024

// 「The Startups 100」是與權威嘉賓評審團合作挑選英國最具潛力的新創企業的權威名單。之前的校友包括家喻戶曉的品牌 Monzo、Deliveroo 和THIS。去年名單的得主 Caura 最近從Lloyds Bank 獲得了400萬英鎊的融資。 The Startups 100 is the definitive list of the most promising new UK businesses, chosen in collaboration with our authoritative panel of guest judges. Previous alumni include household brands Monzo,… Continue Reading →

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