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Tag Tim Cook

Exclusive: Apple just promised to give US manufacturing a $1 billion boost

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that his company will start a $1 billion fund to promote advanced manufacturing jobs in the United States. “We’re announcing it today. So you’re the first person I’m telling,” Cook told “Mad Money” host Jim… Continue Reading →

Apple’s Tim Cook shows how to communicate in a crisis

Apple’s in a bind. The FBI wants them to crack the encryption on a San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone. Apple believes that’s a dangerous precedent. Apple CEO Tim Cook’s open letter is breathtakingly simple and clear. Learn from it. Read more: http://bit.ly/1SLvdnT

Tim Cook: 手腕裝置更加自然

"I wear glasses because I have to. I don't know a lot of people who wear them because they don't have to," he said. "I think the wrist is interesting. The wrist is natural."
Apple is widely considered to be developing a "smartwatch," with analysts speculating that it could have a 1.5- to 2-inch display, with technology similar to the iPod Nano, on sale in 2014. He also acknowledged the company's stock price, which has fallen 21 percent over the past year. "It's been frustrating for investors and all of us," Cook said. "What we have to do is focus on products." 相關內容:
  1. Apple CEO Disses Glass: 'The Wrist is Natural.'
  2. Apple Has More Game-Changing Tech in the Works, Says CEO Tim Cook

“I wear glasses because I have to. I don’t know a lot of people who wear them because they don’t have to,” he said. “I think the wrist is interesting. The wrist is natural.” Apple is widely considered to be… Continue Reading →

Tim Cook:Steve教識我專注同放低

Steve Jobs Was an Awesome Flip-Flopper, Says Tim Cook (Video)

Steve Jobs Was an Awesome Flip-Flopper, Says Tim Cook (Video)

Tim Cook發力鳥?

Tim Cook Starts to Make Apple His Own,早上看到WSJ.com這標題,感覺是,也差不多是時候了,與此同時,AllThingsD起題的功夫到家,其實這條題,打從Tim Cook上任一刻開始,已經可以預先擬訂,等其他材料齊備,便立即烹煮,最快上菜。 Restructure Apple’s big education division, split the business into a sales arm and a marketing arm. Increase the responsibilities of senior vice president of worldwide product marketing Phil Schiller and John… Continue Reading →


假期前 + iPhone5期望,決定唔訓住睇埋先。 結果,當然係…冇啦,好失望。 原因係,呢場,叫做Steve Jobs走之後第一次, 佢走,已極多人唔睇好, 所以呢次,觀眾既合理期望係:冇理由冇啲「勁嘢」撐住掛? 哈… 真係冇!真係估佢唔到喎! 如果係一場楝篤笑,觀眾聽到「Sorry folks, no iPhone5」,肯定已經忍唔住大叫回水。 蘋果股價應聲下跌,市場既反應係點,非常清楚啦。 究竟係「唔care,未驚過」定還是「真係一個失誤」呢?呢個問題,好值得蘋果分析員/專家好好研究, 我覺得,以Tim Cook既才智,冇理由預知唔到呢個結果,咁即係,佢好大機會,係明知市場有呢個反應, 我又覺得,如果並唔係一個失誤,結果可能會比係一個失誤更大鑊! 日後再詳談(寫) 重温SJ上次公佈iPhone4既時候… [youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=AZX576mHaVI]

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