What can be done to encourage people to pay for online news? Part of the answer, as heard at the recent FIPP D2C summit, could be summarised as: meeting supply and demand, broadening your horizons and not giving your best… Continue Reading →
Hong Kongers were mourning the forced closure of Apple Daily, a populist, sometimes bawdy, always staunchly pro-democracy daily launched as the “Hong Kong people’s newspaper” in 1995, when more bad news dropped for the city’s once-vaunted press freedom. Read more:… Continue Reading →
One of the fun things about a media company going public is that it lets investors (and the rest of us) get a peek under the hood. Read more: https://bit.ly/3h1PBS6
When Anna Pogarcic first heard about solutions journalism, the editor-in-chief of the independent, student-run Daily Tar Heel liked the idea, but was not sure how feasible it would be to incorporate it into the newsroom at the University of North… Continue Reading →
本文作者高天佑,為《信報》撰寫專欄「新聞點評」,此為節錄版本,原文請按此。 澳洲政府更表明,今次立法主要針對Facebook和Google。(路透資料圖片) 這場風波從一開始就充滿「扯貓尾」味道,事緣澳洲政府去年底草擬一 Read more: https://bit.ly/3bNxvAp
路透新聞業務相對遜色,決定引入AI工具,加快數碼轉型步伐。(路透資料圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3r3xbEh
Newspaper revenue really started to collapse well over a decade ago, and we’ve been discussing what to do about it for almost as long. Read more: https://bit.ly/3aw0rxt
The One Billion Americans agenda — tripling the American population — is a radical suggestion that lies well outside the boundaries of conventional political arguments. Read more: https://bit.ly/3fPPuYD
Jarno M. Koponen Think what would happen to the news industry if Google, Twitter and Facebook just vanished. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nZ8s1L
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