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Tag The future of newspaper

Subscription strategy lessons from The Atlantic, Bloomberg and Business Insider

What can be done to encourage people to pay for online news? Part of the answer, as heard at the recent FIPP D2C summit, could be summarised as: meeting supply and demand, broadening your horizons and not giving your best… Continue Reading →

Hong Kongers, watching closure of Apple Daily, fear for independent journalism’s future

Hong Kongers were mourning the forced closure of Apple Daily, a populist, sometimes bawdy, always staunchly pro-democracy daily launched as the “Hong Kong people’s newspaper” in 1995, when more bad news dropped for the city’s once-vaunted press freedom. Read more:… Continue Reading →

BuzzFeed will go public. Here’s what it told investors about the future of digital media.

One of the fun things about a media company going public is that it lets investors (and the rest of us) get a peek under the hood. Read more: https://bit.ly/3h1PBS6

How student solutions journalism is thriving in the US and in Europe

When Anna Pogarcic first heard about solutions journalism, the editor-in-chief of the independent, student-run Daily Tar Heel liked the idea, but was not sure how feasible it would be to incorporate it into the newsroom at the University of North… Continue Reading →

臉書「新聞付費」意義重大 (高天佑)

本文作者高天佑,為《信報》撰寫專欄「新聞點評」,此為節錄版本,原文請按此。 澳洲政府更表明,今次立法主要針對Facebook和Google。(路透資料圖片) 這場風波從一開始就充滿「扯貓尾」味道,事緣澳洲政府去年底草擬一 Read more: https://bit.ly/3bNxvAp

路透轉型 擲47億開發AI工具

路透新聞業務相對遜色,決定引入AI工具,加快數碼轉型步伐。(路透資料圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3r3xbEh

Paying for news

Newspaper revenue really started to collapse well over a decade ago, and we’ve been discussing what to do about it for almost as long. Read more: https://bit.ly/3aw0rxt

The Idea Adoption Curve

The One Billion Americans agenda — tripling the American population — is a radical suggestion that lies well outside the boundaries of conventional political arguments. Read more: https://bit.ly/3fPPuYD

Where does journalism belong in an AI-powered news ecosystem?

Jarno M. Koponen Think what would happen to the news industry if Google, Twitter and Facebook just vanished. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nZ8s1L

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