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Tag Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs 從未曝光訪問片段

Steve Jobs: Visionary Entrepreneur, a 60-minute film. Get it at: http://www.siliconvalleyhistorical.or… This enlightening one-hour program stars Steve Jobs from an exclusive 1994, unscripted interview by the Silicon Valley Historical Association where he gives advice to potential entrepreneurs. Jobs discusses risk,… Continue Reading →

喬布斯在Palo Alto的房子附近的一棵小樹

[YouTube] Surface 示範撻Q + 對比 Steve Jobs 介紹 iPad


Apple fans 大反擊,大家搬定凳仔睇好戲

Tim Cook:Steve教識我專注同放低

Steve Jobs Was an Awesome Flip-Flopper, Says Tim Cook (Video)

Steve Jobs Was an Awesome Flip-Flopper, Says Tim Cook (Video)

Steve Wozniak獲聘喬布斯電影「導師」

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak hired as 'tutor' for Sony's Steve Jobs film.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak hired as 'tutor' for Sony's Steve Jobs film.


近期,全世界都講緊Yahoo的Scott Thompson學歷醜聞。 知唔知 Steve Jobs 哪家大學畢業? Mark Zuckerberg 哪個學系畢業?仲有 Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Lawrence Ellison 呢? Yahoo's Thompson Asks Employees To Ignore His Resume Scandal – Business Insider.

AT&T former CEO on early iPhone negotiations

I remember asking the question: Are we investing in a business model, are we investing in a product or are we investing in Steve Jobs?The answer to the question was, you’re investing in Steve Jobs. Let’s go after this thing…. Continue Reading →

iPad + Apple TV 大屏幕睇片打機.

大部分iPad用戶,會用iPad作娛樂用途,例如打機,看電視,電視劇。 以前,我們會用VGA或HDMI線,連接筆記簿電腦和電視,不過iPad始終是手提裝置,中間駁著一件線實在麻煩。 但原來,售價$99美元的AppleTV,可以用AirPlay連線iPad,然後在電視上播放遊戲或電影的畫面。 折合其他洗費,大約港紙一千蚊左右,不算太貴呀!

iPad + Apple TV 大屏幕睇片打機. 大部分iPad用戶,會用iPad作娛樂用途,例如打機,看電視,電視劇。 以前,我們會用VGA或HDMI線,連接筆記簿電腦和電視,不過iPad始終是手提裝置,中間駁著一件線實在麻煩。 但原來,售價$99美元的AppleTV,可以用AirPlay連線iPad,然後在電視上播放遊戲或電影的畫面。 折合其他洗費,大約港紙一千蚊左右,不算太貴呀!

感到苦悶?聽聽Steve Jobs說什麼…


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