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以色列香港 科創天堂與地獄 (松仁)

 本文作者松仁,為《信報》撰寫專欄「私募廣角鏡」 不少本地初創企業和地產行業有一定關係,例如共享辦公室、智能倉儲等。(GOGOX網上圖片) 隨着香港第三波疫情逐漸出現,本來已千瘡百孔的經濟情況面臨更大挑戰。在 Read more: https://bit.ly/3gTS9jx

China Internet Report 2020

Four years ago, I released the very first edition of the China Internet Report. The goal of the report was simple – to share all my learning about China and how technologies were being applied in daily life in China…. Continue Reading →

US plans to rollback special status may erode Hong Kong’s startup ecosystem

For two months, the people of Hong Kong waited in suspense after China’s legislature approved a new national security law. The legislation’s details were finally made public yesterday and almost immediately went into effect. Read more: https://tcrn.ch/3gyyPrX

全球初創生態圈港排29 遜深杭

初創企業調查機構Startup Genome發布《2020年全球初創企業生態系報告》(Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2020),全球初創生態系統排行榜中,香港下跌4級,至第29位,落後於新上榜的深圳及杭州。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3eBaiBP

Brexit Britain should rewrite the global tech regulation rulebook

Technology companies are the quickest beasts on the planet. At the other end of the spectrum, the government is often viewed as the slowest. Paradoxically, the latter is much quicker at reacting to the court of public opinion. Read more:… Continue Reading →

How SEA Founders Can Take Advantage of Taiwan, the Startup Island, After the COVID19 Pandemic

Douglas is the English Master in Communication. A marketing strategist and content writer, he spent three years with Microsoft in Silicon Valley managing the global social media marketing strategy for BizSpark, Microsoft’s Azure and software program for entrepreneurs. Read more:… Continue Reading →

Will companies flee Hong Kong? New law could imperil business in one of world’s biggest financial hubs

The Chinese government has not given details of the law, which is aimed at suppressing secessionist and subversive activity in the former British colony. After 11 months of protests, Chinese leaders say it’s needed to combat unspecified threats in the… Continue Reading →

貿發局「創業快綫」接受報名 助本地初創建人脈拓市場

香港貿發局助理總裁梁國浩表示,特意把「創業快綫」受惠名額增至20家,冀讓初創企業有更多機會到世界各地拓展商機。(香港貿發局圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3c0meLU

Unicorns, rhinos, zebras, cockroaches – it’s a startup zoo out there

Unicorns, it seems, have lost some of their magic lately. Once a status symbol, the term is now derided as a mark of capitalistic excess. Some animals – real ones – now want their moment to shine. Read more: http://bit.ly/35EvUZc

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