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生產力局中大簽備忘 培育本地創科人才庫

創科浪潮席捲全球,人才是致勝關鍵。生產力局昨天跟中大工程學院簽署諒解備忘錄,為學生提供多元化的實習及研究計劃,讓他們獲取寶貴的工作經驗,為本港孕育更多InnoTalent,以壯大本地創科人才庫。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2MYZLHU

[Press Release] TechNode Global raises US$1M from Kairous Capital, Nutty Capital Venture, and SPH Ventures

TechNode Global, pan-Asia tech media, announces its seed investment of US$1M The funding round was led by Kairous Capital with the participation of Nutty Capital and SPH Ventures Fresh capital will help fuel TechNode Global’s growing footprint in the Asia… Continue Reading →

JUMPSTARTER 2021環球創業比賽20強誕生 初創以創新方案推動智慧零售

自去年7月,阿里巴巴香港創業者基金正式啟動年度旗艦活動JUMPSTARTER 2021環球創業比賽,至今已在線上進行200場初賽,打造出全球最大型線上創業比賽。是次創業比賽繼續集中網羅來自零售、金融科技、智能都市和先進科技領域 Read more: https://bit.ly/3c7raS8

城大嶄新人工視覺系統助AI發展 (凌通)

何頌賢手持的晶片,備有其團隊研發的超晶格納米線。(城大圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3ohigEa

創新中心變FinTech基地 恒生率先進駐 建虛擬實驗室

香港科技園公司昨正式啟用九龍塘創新中心 (InnoCentre)的全新FinTech Centre,重新定位為「金融+科技」(Fin+Tech)中心,透過促進跨行業創新,加速金融科技方案落地,鞏固本港國際金融中心的領導地位。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3pe8Drc

Lalamove close to raising $1.5b in new round, report says

The Hong Kong-based company raised US$1.3 billion as part of the first two tranches of its series F funding round led by Hillhouse Capital, the report said, citing local media outlet 36Kr. The logistics firm is also reportedly looking to… Continue Reading →

Why Hong Kong is failing to produce more tech start-ups

Gain a global perspective on the US and go beyond with curated news and analysis from 600 journalists in 50+ countries covering politics, business, innovation, trends and more. Read more: https://on.ft.com/3nvKmey

大灣區就業補貼 港企盼涵蓋更廣

viAct行政總裁伍震駒稱,派員北上涉及一定成本,冀補貼計劃不設限制。(資料圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3qckoPS

Garuda Capital acquires minority stake in Hong Kong fintech startup FinLink

FinLink, a data-driven and AI-enabled tech startup focusing on cross-border financial services, announced that investment firm Garuda Capital Asia has acquired a minority interest in the company via an affiliated investment fund. This acquisition comes after FinLink raised US$2. Read… Continue Reading →

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