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財經事務及庫務局局長許正宇今日(5日)出席立法會回應質詢時表示,重申財政儲備及外匯基金各自有其用途及目的,覺得沒必要改變外匯基金行之有效的機制,避免牽一發而動全身,影響香港貨幣及金融穩定。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3etaJ3r

Hong Kong decentralized finance startup banks $3.3m in strategic sale round

Hong Kong’s Formation Fi, a startup that simplifies decentralized finance (DeFi) portfolio construction to help users better manage risk, said it closed US$3.3 million in a strategic sale round. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nZ8A2L

周凱旋透露維港投資將大舉投資印尼 李嘉誠父子已密密出手

李嘉誠紅顏知己周凱旋透露,維港投資(Horizons Ventures)未來將聚焦東南亞最大市場印尼,認為疫情下帶動區內數碼經濟發展。過去一年,維港投資了3間來自印尼的初創企業,籌集資金高達2. Read more: https://bit.ly/3hlXzHB

寵物保險|本地企業引入寵物保險作員工福利 涵蓋所有貓狗品種

香港不少寵主都當毛孩是家中一分子,有甚麼「頭暈身㷫」都會帶去看獸醫,醫療費成為一大負擔。最近就有香港企業宣佈將寵物保險納入員工福利,計劃涵蓋所有貓狗品種,對寵主來說絕對是好消息。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3teFfCl

陳易希推「加密幣版」PayMe 稱95%貨幣存冷錢包避黑客

Bull.b Tech創辦人、「星之子」陳易希研發名為「Talk+」的跨平台點對點加密即時通訊應用程式,同時結合加密貨幣錢包功能,今日正式推出。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3xaLkCZ

InvestHK launches worldwide StartmeupHK Salons event programme to support annual StartmeupHK Festival

Six virtual Salons featuring in-depth discussions of challenges and opportunities facing startups in a post-covid economy HONG KONG, April 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — InvestHK is reinforcing the global reach of its annual StartmeupHK Festival with the announcement of six virtual… Continue Reading →

Helping Enterprises Engage

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Yes, it’s a famous movie line. It’s also a succinct description of a problem facing most enterprises. Read more: https://bit.ly/3tuDiCT

InvestHK launches worldwide StartmeupHK Salons event programme to support annual StartmeupHK Festival

“The world has faced overwhelming disruption over the last year, but, true to form, so many startups have done what they do so well, to pivot to meet new demands. Read more: https://bit.ly/3tpvPoq

2021年財政預算案 (創科重點)

財政司司長陳茂波表示,過去3年,政府投放過千億元支持發展創科。(香港電台圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3swlaYj

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