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Tag startup visa

Startup Visas / Programs Around The World

It’s a very good idea to have a startup in another country because there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs from other countries to obtain non-immigrant visas by investing in an existing business or by launching a new enterprise. Read more:… Continue Reading →

成功申請T1 Startup劇透

咁都比腦細做到第一批,終於可以劇透 自從英國Tier 1响3月29號正式改革之後,好耐未正正經經咁講關於T1申請嘅新動向。唔係唔想講,而係腦細啱啱做緊單Tier 1 Startup,亦可以話係改革之後第一批申請人之一(唉,商乜業,機乜 Read more: https://bit.ly/2XUcTAL

Mobile barbering: ‘It’s like Uber, but for haircuts’

For many black British men, barber shops are a place to hang out, chat and meet friends. But for others they waste too much time, which is why two young men have come up with a new approach – a… Continue Reading →

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