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【出國求職攻略】英國篇:在英國職場文化,「After Work Social」是人際溝通的重要一環

英國有來自四面八方的國際人才與企業,加上經濟體規模,決策考量的要素與影響層面很廣,能感受到不同角度看待事情的視野,同時也因為競爭激烈求職不易,工作環境相對高壓,需要自己做好心理建設。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3i6lHLU


Read more: https://bit.ly/3eAgpq3

未來城市:「居英權第二代」分享心路歷程 Hello UK,真係咁簡單?

【明報專訊】facebook專頁「Goodbye HK, Hello UK」版主Ben與妻女移民英國4年,老婆曾在吵架時對他說「唔係你,我就唔使嚟呢度」,「現在她會說好彩嚟咗呢度」。 Read more: https://bit.ly/30U0ZJh

移民英國途徑多 無2000萬?靠創意「闖關」

【明報專訊】英國政府官員最近頻頻就英國國民(海外)護照(BNO)持有人的權利表態,但最終香港人能否得到居英權,仍屬未知之數。在政經局勢不明朗下,不少香港人已經等不及了,有移民顧問不諱言,近幾星期移民查詢急 Read more: https://bit.ly/3dfyw2S

【移民英國】50萬港幣創業移民冇咁易 着重創新兼全球化 「計劃書忌吹水,真係做到先好寫!」

英國是不少香港人理想的移民地方,但投資移民閒閒地要過千萬,所以近年多了人考慮門檻較低的創業移民。今次《Video Talk》就請來移民顧問「Goodbye HK, Hello UK」香港代表Billy Wong,以及今年3月,成功以企業家簽證(T1E)移民到英國曼徹斯特,發展… Read more: https://bit.ly/3fwRBPC

Immigration: How will new laws affect care workers?

The government has been unveiling details of its plans for a new post-Brexit immigration system. It said low-skilled workers would not be given visas, and employers should “move away” from relying on “cheap labour” from Europe. We answer readers’ questions… Continue Reading →

The UK’s points-based immigration system will scare off tech founders

Want to understand what impact Brexit will have on UK startups? Look at the numbers. London alone is home to 3,000 to 5,000 tech startups collectively valued at £34 billion, making the city one of the biggest tech ecosystems in… Continue Reading →

Need for dedicated visa route for independent professionals

Tania Bowers from APSCo said: “We have pointed out previously that the proposed legislation as it stands offers no dedicated visa route for independent professionals. Read more: https://bit.ly/2Yh01VT

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