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Tag starbucks

從加州矽谷掀起的第三波咖啡革命: 藍瓶咖啡告訴我們什麼啟示?

對於咖啡的聯想,我們總侷限於播放著慵懶輕柔的音樂、坐擁舒適優雅環境的咖啡館。然而,在藍瓶咖啡(Blue Bottle Coffee),我們聽不到音樂、看不到印有品牌標誌的馬克杯、更用不著無線網路,我們所必須做的只有「耐心等 Read more: http://ift.tt/1R1bmRo

Spend Your Starbucks at Tonx

One company is practically synonymous with coffee in America. Their stores are so ubiquitous, they’ve become the most reliable bathroom option for the residents of NYC. This company has done more to popularize coffee than any other: Starbucks. We are… Continue Reading →

Why did Starbucks emerge as the dominant coffee chain in the United States?

Adding to Michael’s answer, part of Starbucks’ success was their willingness to change with customers’ wants and needs (and copy the successes of other chains). At first, Howard Schulz was adamant about only serving traditional coffee drinks (espresso, cappuccino, latte,… Continue Reading →

Will Blue Bottle Coffee Take On Starbucks, Or Become It?

When you hear about some company raising millions of dollars in Silicon Valley, it’s often peddling something a little more high-tech than coffee. Read more: http://ift.tt/1hdlIdA

Will Blue Bottle Coffee Take On Starbucks, Or Become It?

When you hear about some company raising millions of dollars in Silicon Valley, it’s often peddling something a little more high-tech than coffee. Read more: http://ift.tt/1hdlIdA


兒時的《伙頭智多星》,連鎖式餐廳集團都是壞人,充滿溫情的小餐館,他們派出味吉陽一,挑戰大餐廳廚師,戰勝了,小餐館也得以保存下來。 在現實世界裡頭,大集團和小餐館,卻不一定非要鬥個你死我活不可。Slate Magazine一篇報導指出,自從Starbucks在美國堀起,小型的獨立咖啡店,不但沒有消聲匿跡,它們反而愈開愈多,門庭若市。 千禧年打後的五年間,美國的Starbucks新店,數以萬計;同時期,獨立新開張的咖啡店,也有幾千,它們跟Starbucks在同步成長。舉個例,02年Omaha開了六間Starbucks新店,同區其他咖啡店的營業額,居然也上升了25%。那時候,美國小咖啡店的老闆很歡迎Startbucks成為他們的鄰居。 這到底是為什麼? 沖咖啡的成本,佔少於營運成本的千分之一。再說,Starbucks真正賣的也不是咖啡,它們是頻繁商業地段的連鎖式時鐘商務中心,以咖啡付費,附送電源和互聯網。 以香港為例,以前約人出中環洽談什麼,要找個「骨子」的地方,消磨幾小時,要去文華的咖啡室。出門口,不於下二三百塊不成。不過有了Starbucks,容易搵位之餘,各付各的咖啡,商客慳下不少。事實上,港九各區的Starbucks,不也是成了保險從業員的工作天地嗎? 無論如何,Sturbucks打開了一片藍海市場,並帶領其他的咖啡店,一起搶酒店和餐廳的生意去也。 聞說,老麥今年亦計劃跟大伙兒分一杯羹,大規模拓展咖啡店業務。家樓下那間老麥,最近正在大興土木,但思哲並不看好。假如要在跟對方公司的人,在街上開會或洽談什麼,你會選擇到老麥去嗎? 現實世界,根本不需要什麼味吉陽一。 2007年1月9日刊於《蘋果日報》

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