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Tag spotify

Can blockchain games reach people outside of the web3 world? – Catheon Gaming William Wu #28

Last year was big for the play-to-earn gaming scene, which goes hand-in-hand with the crypto world, but as the games become more advanced and provide more opportunities for users, what’s next for the industry?  William is the CEO behind the… Continue Reading →

「如何一鍵 WordPress 變 NFT」 – Likecoin Phoebe Poon #26

今日想傾吓,Crypto,或者 Web3嘅應用,係咪事必要「好難用」?未來嘅日子,呢啲Web3嘅應用,會唔會好似以前初時啲 palm pda、nokia 手機咁樣,慢慢變成好易用嘅 iPhone 呢?  如果話香港最成功、最早開始同埋原創嘅一款密碼貨幣,相信 LikeCoin 絕對係其中之一。 今日嘅來賓係 Likecoin 創立成員,對Web3 生態同埋一啲啲新興應用好了解嘅,歡迎 Phoebe 同大家分享佢嘅睇法 🙂 ____________ 要連接港人創業生態圈 一杯咖啡嘅價錢 立即訂閱: patreon.com/wanszezit #香港創科 #最佳捷徑 #香港創科生態圈

「香港十分之一嘅廚餘,足已餵包本地所有貓狗!」 – FurryGreen Pirry Leung #25

香港不少人飼養寵物,更把貓狗視為自己細路,衣、食、住、行都好講究,尤其係食呢方面。而家寵物吃的除了乾糧、罐罐之外,亦都標榜「人類食用級數」的天然食材,令寵物吃得更加健康。 近年就香港就有寵物鮮食Startup,諗到採用外貌欠佳的「廚餘」,改頭換面變成寵物食品。更重要嘅係,呢間 Startup 誕生於疫情期間,點解會選擇係咁嘅時機之下創業。歡迎我地嘅來賓,FurryGreen 嘅 Pirry Leung。 ____________ 要連接港人創業生態圈? 一杯咖啡嘅價錢 立即訂閱: patreon.com/wanszezit #香港創科 #最佳捷徑 #香港創科生態圈

中小企點生存、Be Agile、疫市反擴張? – theDesk Thomas Hui #25

Google Tops 15 Million Music Subscribers as It Chases Spotify

Google’s paid music services have eclipsed 15 million subscribers, according to two people familiar with the numbers, a milestone for a company that has struggled to build subscription media businesses. Read more: https://bloom.bg/2JacMuL

Spotify’s Podcast Aggregation Play

More than 10 years ago we founded Spotify to give consumers something they couldn’t get — music any time, anywhere, and at the right price. Along the way, we broke the grip piracy had on our industry and restored the… Continue Reading →

Spotify Rolls Out Programmatic Ad Buying

STOCKHOLM—Swedish music-streaming company Spotify AB on Wednesday launched programmatic ad buying for all its markets, allowing advertisers to target its 70 million nonpaying users by age, gender, genres and playlists in real time. Read more: http://on.wsj.com/2aESC8j

Spotify becomes first music platform to integrate with Facebook Messenger

Music has arrived on Messenger. Facebook announced today that its mobile messaging platform now integrates with Spotify. Read more: http://bit.ly/1ppKSNj

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