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【新股IPO】何猷龍旗下黑桃資本夥中銀資管在港發起SPAC黑桃亞洲 去年曾在美發SPAC、瑞銀:港美併購目標不同

新濠國際 (00200) 主席何猷龍家族辦公室黑桃資本夥拍中銀香港資管作為共同發起SPAC(特殊目的收購企業)–黑桃亞洲,黑桃亞洲周日(20日)向港交所 (00388) 遞交上市申請,成為本港第11間入表的SPAC。瑞銀為黑桃亞洲SPAC的 Read more: https://inews.hket.com/article/3207890

新股消息 | SPAC Pisces Acquisition Corporation递表港交所 发起人为东建资管

据港交所3月2日披露,Pisces Acquisition Corporation向港交所主板递交上市申请,东建资管为发起人,招银国际为独家保荐人。 Read more: https://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/hkstock/ggscyd/2022-03-03/doc-imcwiwss3863199.shtml

香港首隻SPAC Aquila 傳已獲港交所開綠燈 集資約23.4億元

香港首隻SPAC(特殊目的收購公司)Aquila,傳已獲得港交所(388)上市開「綠燈」放行,將成為本港首隻SPAC獲准進行首次公開招股(IPO),集資約23. Read more: https://bit.ly/3triPQm

Asia comes late, with hangups, to the SPAC party

HONG KONG, Jan 13 (Reuters Breakingviews) – Competitors don’t always care who wins, so long as they beat their fiercest rival. Two blank-cheque companies are due to price this week in Singapore’s first such listings read more . Read more:… Continue Reading →

Why Traveloka may have been wise to give up SPAC route

When the SPAC market was ultra hot, Indonesia’s Traveloka was among several notable firms in the region that planned to ride the wave. Read more: https://bit.ly/3HLndPO

SPACs coming at the right time for Hong Kong, says FSDC

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong’s proposed rules to allow the listing of special purpose acquisition companies or SPACs is coming at the right time with ample features that provide investor protection. Speaking exclusively to Capital. Read more: https://bit.ly/3mwfs8I

Li Ka-shing’s Horizons Ventures sells three fintech units to SPACs

Horizons Ventures, the private investment arm of Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing, has become a beneficiary of the SPAC craze, as at least three of its fintech investments have been acquired by or merged with publicly-traded shell companies. Read more:… Continue Reading →


美國科技圈近期一個熱門議題,就是SPAC的大爆發。 SPAC是「Special Purpose Acquisition Com-pany」的縮寫,或稱「空白支票IPO」──由一家無商業模式的空殼公司,去申請IPO(首次公開募股),載明掛牌目的是募得一筆資金,再轉頭去收 Read more: https://bit.ly/34N9MwJ

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