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Christopher Elliott:下一個泡沬?旅遊 Loyalty Programs

3dc749a Christopher Elliott Reader advocate for National Geographic Traveler, Tribune Media Services and The Washington Post.
At some point, the loyalty programs we know and love will have to be dramatically restructured and your miles will almost certainly be devalued in a tragic way. Many observers already say miles are a form of unregulated currency. If they are a currency, then they remind me of the hyperinflated German Mark in the 1920s. Airlines are playing both sides of the fence on this one, allowing customers to earn limitless miles, and quietly trying to deflate the bubble on the other end.This isn't going to end well.
  1. Target and Shopkick Launch Nationwide Loyalty Gift Card Program
  2. Airlines begin integrating Passbook for mobile boarding passes ahead of iOS 6 launch

Christopher Elliott Reader advocate for National Geographic Traveler, Tribune Media Services and The Washington Post. At some point, the loyalty programs we know and love will have to be dramatically restructured and your miles will almost certainly be devalued in… Continue Reading →

Bernard Marr:為什麼蘋果 iWatch 將再次改變世界?

08f2327 Bernard Marr Best-selling business author and enterprise performance expert
Rumour has it that later this year Apple will launch a wrist watch that will not only tell you the time but will allow you to monitor yourself and control other devices. The watch will understand where you are, what you have eaten, how many calories you have burnt, how well you have slept etc. The reason I believe the iWatch (or the smart watch idea in general) will change the world is because it will allow all of us to collect and analyse data on both a personal and global level. Take health as an example. These intelligent wrist watches will permit monitoring of an individual's heart rate, calorie intake, activity levels, quality of sleep and more.
  1. Samsung Confirms It Will Build A Smart Watch As Speculation About Apple's iWatch Continues
  2. Apple's Planned ‘IWatch’ Could Be More Profitable Than TV

Bernard Marr Best-selling business author and enterprise performance expert Rumour has it that later this year Apple will launch a wrist watch that will not only tell you the time but will allow you to monitor yourself and control other… Continue Reading →

Tim Cook:今年秋天,會有刺激的新產品種類和更多驚喜


Tim Cook CEO, Apple
"The potential of exciting new product categories, we've got a lot more surprises in the works, our teams are hard at work on some amazing new hardware, software, and services that we can't wait to introduce in the fall and into 2014. We continue to be very confident in our future product plans." "Really great stuff coming in the fall and across all of 2014."
  1. Apple Reports Second Quarter Results
  2. Apple shares the wealth: Boosts stock buyback, ups dividend 15%
  3. Apple's Solid-After-All Quarter In Charts
  4. Apple's new pitch to investor
  5. Apple Q2 '13: Beats with $43.6 B rev, $9.5B profit at $10.09 EPS, with 37.4M iPhones sold, 19.5M iPads

Tim Cook CEO, Apple “The potential of exciting new product categories, we’ve got a lot more surprises in the works, our teams are hard at work on some amazing new hardware, software, and services that we can’t wait to introduce… Continue Reading →


0_0_640_http-__i.haymarket.net.au_News_TKO Station123 虛擬商店會否成為潮流?隨了跟智能手機普及率有關,其實亦跟香港租金掛勾。理論上,租金愈貴,使用虛擬商店的誘因愈大。
The ads display more than 40 products (including tissues, plastic litter bins, and cooking pans) along with QR codes leading to the Pricerite mobile site, where consumers will find more than 100 products on sale for 15 per cent off and home delivery. Both a Pricerite spokesperson and Amy Chan, MD of JCDecaux Transport, acknowledge that the concept is inspired by a 2011 campaign for Tesco in South Korea, which went on to win a Grand Prix at Cannes [youtube=http://youtu.be/nJVoYsBym88]

虛擬商店會否成為潮流?隨了跟智能手機普及率有關,其實亦跟香港租金掛勾。理論上,租金愈貴,使用虛擬商店的誘因愈大。 The ads display more than 40 products (including tissues, plastic litter bins, and cooking pans) along with QR codes leading to the Pricerite mobile site, where consumers will find more than 100 products on sale for 15 per cent… Continue Reading →

Olaf Swantee:對流動業未來40年的4個預測

0a22186 Olaf Swantee CEO at EE
1. Beyond touch More than touch, consider the success of QWERTY keyboard, and also the fancy feature of controlling devices through eye-scrolling and gesture. 2. More video and data Inevitable by the penetration of high-speed connectivity. 3. Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Internet of things. Almost everything will have the capacity to become 'smart' and this will lead to a revolution in work and society as wearable devices monitor our health, cars become smarter and more efficient and intelligent city ecosystems become interconnected. 4. Graphene and new mobile form factors With the use of graphene,  we are already starting to see some early prototype development around bendable and flexible super-thin mobile phones.

Olaf Swantee CEO at EE 1. Beyond touch More than touch, consider the success of QWERTY keyboard, and also the fancy feature of controlling devices through eye-scrolling and gesture. 2. More video and data Inevitable by the penetration of high-speed… Continue Reading →

Google 點解想收購 WhatsApp?

事實是,Google用盡方法谷人去用Google+,我的YouTube、Google Reader、Picasa Web Album的使用經驗,通通因為「Google+」這件新產品,而受到或多或少的影響。 YouTube:統一用戶profile Google Reader: 先取消shared item,繼而整個Reader退休 Picasa Web Album: 整個變成Google+ Photo 很明顯,Google每一步的目標,都是將其他Google產品的用戶轉化成Google+ 用戶,想推動更多人使用Google+。 此刻Google最需要是什麼? 不同往時,Facebook的王國架設在firewall以內,並沒有向Google開放社交網絡上的內容和數據。Google不可以再靠「bot」自動搜挖社交網絡上的內容,從而提供贊助內容的配對。同時,人們的注意力,繼續從網站、博客,不斷轉移到社交媒體、手機Apps,要知道,手機Apps的對話也是Google所不能接觸的(想想WeChat、Whatsapp的聊天紀錄和內容),所以Google需要增加集團在Social和Mobile兩個範疇的本錢。收購是最有效率的方法。 如果Google收購Whatsapp,我認為,大方向也是如何助Google+跟FB爭一日之長短,雖則,大家都明白唔多容易。 當然當然,對大家而言,被收購後,是否意味Whatsapp將「永久免費」,還是比較關心的一件事。

「iPad 不敵 Nexus 7」

如果人人都用兩部 smartphone,兩部 tablet,我諗呢個世界會和諧好多 繼「iPhone 5 需求下跌後」,日經新聞又有一則「iPad 在日本不敵 Nexus」的報導: 一項在日本的問卷調查,結果顯示 Google 平板電腦 Nexus 較 iPad 更受歡迎。該問卷由日本調查機構 BCN 進行,訪問了2400家消費電子店舖,結果 Nexus 7 市佔率達 44.4%、iPad 系列40.1%。 根據 IDC 數據,去年日本一共賣出 360 萬部平板電腦,預計 2013 年增長至 490 萬部。 日經新聞指出,以上兩款平板電腦在日本的售價,Nexus 7 較同級的 iPad mini 便宜 100 美元,是導致 iPad… Continue Reading →

Apple 將會推出 iPhone mini?

分析員 Neil Mawston 猜測,Apple 將有可能推出 mini 版 iPhone,目的是包抄平價智能手機市場,盡可能收窄跟 Samsung 之間的市場佔有率差距。 Steve Jobs 不會容許這事發生,也不會輕易因為 Price Umbrella 推出產品。但時移世易,Apple 會否為了保護陸逐流失的 market share,再推出 mini 產品?  



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