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Tag solar energy

太陽能技術突破 增轉化率擴大應用

【明報專訊】太陽能光伏板的關鍵物料多年來一直都以矽(硅)、尤其是單晶矽(單晶硅)的光電效應轉化率最高。可是,經過多年發展,單晶矽的潛力已差不多發掘殆盡,陷於停滯不前;而在近期,串聯式光伏板及多種嶄新物 Read more: https://news.mingpao.com/pns/%e7%b6%93%e6%bf%9f/article/20220621/s00004/1655748627382/%e5%a4%aa%e9%99%bd%e8%83%bd%e6%8a%80%e8%a1%93%e7%aa%81%e7%a0%b4-%e5%a2%9e%e8%bd%89%e5%8c%96%e7%8e%87%e6%93%b4%e5%a4%a7%e6%87%89%e7%94%a8

A highly efficient rooftop solar panel based on space technology

EVEN THOUGH solar panels have improved over the years they are still not very efficient at doing their job. Standard panels using silicon-based solar cells typically convert 17-19% of the sun’s energy into electricity. Read more: https://econ.st/2FK6lvI

How Blockchain Helps Brooklyn Dwellers Use Neighbors’ Solar Energy

Robert Sauchelli doesn’t have a solar panel, but he’s all for the idea — before he retired, he devoted 21 years to energy efficiency work at the Environmental Protection Agency. To show his support, Sauchelli has been paying an extra… Continue Reading →

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