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Leading UK banks refusing to provide mortgages to self-employed workers if they took out Covid loans

Leading UK banks are refusing to provide mortgages to self-employed workers if they took Covid loans or income grants despite being told by the Government and banking watchdog that the payments would not affect their credit ratings. Read more: https://bit.ly/2M2kEkE

Weathering the storm: Surviving through recession/ coronavirus

It is often difficult to tell the quality of a decision from the outcome, sometimes a well-thought-out decision may fail, and poor decisions may prevail. Read more: http://bit.ly/2TyQCGP


職場調查報告一直指出,打工仔對不少老闆之管理手法頗有微言。其中一項調查顯示:近7成上班族表示,曾經遭受過職場「冷暴力」(指用非暴力的方式刺激對方,致使對方心靈受到嚴重傷害)。上班族感受到冷暴力的主要來 from Pocket http://ift.tt/1Do06Cd via IFTTT

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