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原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 港府下月發放新一輪5000元消費券,本地網店開店平台SHOPLINE推出「抗疫×消費券資助計劃」,透過兩大商戶支持方案,以協助中小企開拓網上銷售商機,當中包括消費券開店支援,以 Read more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=116180


疫情下網購逐漸成為新常態,但線下實體零售仍有其存在價值。網店平台SHOPLINE近日力推線下零售,更在中環開設平台在全球首間實體快閃店POWERED BY SHOPLINE。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3dEsACz

Bigo parent has invested in an ecommerce enabler. Here’s why the deal is intriguing

Shopline, a Hong Kong-headquartered software startup for online sellers, announced that it has raised US$20 million from high-profile investors. The company is expanding to Southeast Asia. JOYY Inc. Read more: http://bit.ly/2O5Deqe

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