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Tag shanghai

科創板開板 25新股兩月內上市

中美貿易戰未明朗,用以支持科技創新企業的上海科創板昨日宣布正式開板,首批企業料在未來兩個月上市。有內地傳媒引述券商估計,最快下月中有企業掛牌,料達25家。科創板實行新股註冊制試點,國務院副總理劉鶴形容是 Read more: http://bit.ly/31vEJmN

Shanghai moves to boost key tech sectors amid trade war, to green light first three listings on new Nasdaq-style board

The Shanghai Stock Exchange is poised to approve the first three listings on the city’s upcoming Technology Innovation Board, accelerating China’s pace of support for technology companies amid its escalating trade war with the US. Read more: http://bit.ly/2JJrGZq

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