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Tag sensetime

SenseTime and GW Technology Launch Smart Epidemic Prevention Facility

Hong Kong – June 8, 2020 – SenseTime, the world’s leading artificial intelligence (AI) company, has signed an agreement with GW Technology (Golden Wealth Technology), a subsidiary of China Tech Global (Holdings) Ltd. Read more: https://bit.ly/3fzoED1

SenseTime’s American Axis

You won’t find SenseTime’s name on the building that houses its Beijing headquarters, but its technology guards the entrance. All workers must clear a security check by SenseTime’s facial-recognition software, and company employees pass a second face scan to enter… Continue Reading →

SenseTime’s AI makes sure you park your shared bike properly

One of China’s largest facial recognition companies wants to provide a high-tech solution to a problem triggered by a tech bubble bursting: scores of leftover shared bicycles littering the streets of China’s cities. Read more: https://bit.ly/2XGOoqN

商湯擬上市前再融資 估值料破741億

商湯科技推出的智能通勤系統,乘客可透過掃描二維碼或臉部,出入地鐵閘口及支付車費。(商湯科技圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/36uR6Tc

中國傳拍板11萬億拓科技 致力超越美國 阿里騰訊成主將

中美關係緊張的背後,兩國在科技較量也不斷升級。彭博報道,中國擬於全國兩會期間,通過規模高達1.4萬億美元(約10. Read more: https://bit.ly/3ghQ5SY

商湯科技推體溫檢測 配合考勤系統助復工

復工復課近在眉睫,市場上也出現多個體溫檢測方式。不過大型的體溫檢測相當昂貴,本港人工智能獨角獸商湯科技,推出了AI輔助的體溫檢測產品SenseThunder。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3fw963y

SenseTime to seek up to $1bn private funding, deferring Hong Kong IPO

HONG KONG — Chinese artificial intelligence startup SenseTime Group has deferred its plan for an up to $750 million initial public offering in Hong Kong this year and instead aims to tap private markets, people briefed on the plan said,… Continue Reading →

SenseTime researchers create a benchmark to test face forgery detectors

Face swapping is a category of deepfakes that extracts the faces of people in existing media and replaces them with other peoples’ features, typically with AI and machine learning. Read more: http://bit.ly/3arlAXs

Alibaba-backed AI startup SenseTime sees over $7.5b valuation

China’s SenseTime Group, currently regarded as the world’s most valuable AI startup, has seen its valuation breach US$7.5 billion this year, following massive investments from the likes of SoftBank. The company was reportedly valued at US$4. Read more: http://bit.ly/2Lx7tEH

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