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Tag qualcomm

Qualcomm 與華為簽訂 5G 專利協議

雖然美國和中國關係持續緊張,華為亦成為貿易禁令的對象,不過最近 Qualcomm 就仍然與華為簽訂長期專利協議,相信將可以舒緩華為因美國禁令而難以獲得手機核心元件的困局。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3hU3bWl

Top U.S. Tech Companies Begin to Cut Off Vital Huawei Supplies

Top U.S. corporations from chipmakers to Google have frozen the supply of critical software and components to Huawei Technologies Co., complying with a Trump administration crackdown that threatens to choke off China’s largest technology company. Chipmakers including Intel Corp., Qualcomm… Continue Reading →

Qualcomm’s Cloud AI 100 is purpose-built for AI inferencing at the edge

Qualcomm kicked off its annual AI Day conference in San Francisco with a bang. It took the wraps off of three new system-on-chips bound for smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, and if that weren’t enough, it announced a product… Continue Reading →

高通不領習特情 拒再做貿戰炮灰

美國晶片製造商高通獲中美元首「祝福」,卻無意重提收購恩智浦,實在耐人尋味。 (路透資料圖片) 中美貿易戰達成「停火90天」共識,市場反應是買起各類風險資產,美元下跌,油價急升,美股期貨更漲近2%,相當誇張。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2BPsNBK

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