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Tag productivity

Essential Meaningful Productivity

I don’t care about being efficient and productive just to be a better person, to get more done, to be more awesome. Cranking out more stuff for productivity’s sake doesn’t interest me anymore (it used to). Today, I care about… Continue Reading →


不知道從什麼時候起,人人都用起「拖延症」這個描述,無論是偶爾懶散一下的人,或是死線鬥士們。「拖延」這個詞,有點像「抑鬱」般被濫用下來。真正的拖延症不是時間管理的問題,而是反映著心理和情緒的狀態。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2UD2U15

The Ultimate Work Skills List to Help You Change Careers

Career changes are tough. As adults, there are many factors that impact our decisions – family, finances, life partner, or the labor market. As you analyze and plan, it’s easy to fall victim to your own preconceived notions and jaded… Continue Reading →

Stop Spending So Much Time In Your Head

You know, thinking, worrying, stressing, freaking out — call it whatever you want. I call it a preoccupied mind. And with what? All my life I’ve been obsessed with practical things. Practical philosophy, practical knowledge, practical books, practical work, and… Continue Reading →

How Complaining Rewires Your Brain for Negativity

Originally published by Dr. Travis Bradberry on Talentsmart.com. Research shows that most people complain once a minute during a typical conversation. Read more: http://bit.ly/2PkaU1E

The Physics of Productivity: Newton’s Laws of Getting Stuff Done

In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton published his groundbreaking book, The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, which described his three laws of motion. In the process, Newton laid the foundation for classical mechanics and redefined the way the world looked… Continue Reading →

The Best Tools to (Productively) Gamify Every Aspect of Your Life

The idea of rewarding yourself to build better behaviors isn’t new, even if the phrase “gamification” is. There are more tools out there to turn everything into a game than are worth trying, but the best can really get you… Continue Reading →

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