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Tag prenetics

Covid-Testing Unicorn Is Plotting Bets for Post-Virus World

In less than a decade, Prenetics Group Ltd. transformed itself from a DNA-kit maker to a major Hong Kong Covid-19 test provider. Now as the coronavirus ebbs in the city — and the rest of the world adjusts to living… Continue Reading →

Hong Kong biotech Prenetics rides COVID wave to Nasdaq

HONG KONG — Biotech startup Prenetics, a COVID-19 test provider that helped soccer’s Premier League resume matches, is set to go public Wednesday on the Nasdaq, making it Hong Kong’s first unicorn to list. Read more: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Health-Care/Hong-Kong-biotech-Prenetics-rides-COVID-wave-to-Nasdaq


楊聖武指出,公司的使命是把醫療保健行業去中心化,以惠及全球數以百萬計病人。(信報資料圖片) Read more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=117397


Prenetics 行政總裁兼聯合創辦人楊聖武(左)Artisan Acquisition Corp. 創辦人鄭志剛(右)合照。(Prenetics 提供圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3ADerjT

Hong Kong biotech start-up is set to list on the Nasdaq in a SPAC merger

Hong Kong biotech company Prenetics is set to merge with Artisan Acquisition, a special purpose acquisition company backed by Hong Kong billionaire Adrian Cheng, according to a source close to the deal. The SPAC is already traded on the Nasdaq… Continue Reading →

Apis Partners leads US$15 million investment in Prenetics

Investment will go into game-changing rapid COVID-19 test, highly accurate, results in 15-30 minutes, no lab required, low-cost. In discussions with Governments globally. Read more: https://bit.ly/3mCd91E

【檢測大龍鳳】食肆老闆「被參與」檢測 質疑派瓶人員誤導夥計 以為強制畀口水

繼昨日(12日)爆出有「黃店」食肆疑「被報名」參與自願免費檢測後,再有食肆在負責人稱在不知情下,其店舖「參與」了今次計劃,連中小企食店聯盟召集人林瑞華亦嘆「中招」,餐廳收到「已完成」檢測貼紙,他指上門派 Read more: https://bit.ly/3myPZcx


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 楊聖武(左四)指出,檢測結果不會與其他合作夥伴共享;左一為彭子楓。(Prenetics圖片) 新冠肺炎疫情持續,無病徵的隱形患者令人防不勝防。本港基因測試初創Prenetics昨宣布,與保 Read more: https://bit.ly/2VmG6Ds

Prenetics Launches Non-Profit Initiative To Provide COVID-19 At-Home Testing Solutions in Hong Kong

Genetic testing and health tech company Prenetics, also known as CircleDNA, announced in an April 15 press release the launch of *’*Project Screen by Circle,’ a non-profit initiative that will provide COVID-19 home testing solutions in Hong Kong. Read more:… Continue Reading →

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