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Tag Pocket

Productivity Secrets of a Master DJ (Meditation, Morning Routines, and More)

Justin Boreta is a founding member of The Glitch Mob. Their music has been featured in movies like Sin City II, Edge of Tomorrow, Captain America, and Spiderman. In this post, we discuss The Glitch Mob’s path from unknown band to playing sold-out 90,000-person (!)… Continue Reading →

The 25 Top VC Firms – Prismatic

Read more: http://ift.tt/1Dwb3Sd

The 4 Digital Advertising Trends That Are Reshaping Advertising – Prismatic

Read more: http://ift.tt/1FM1jpp

5 Best Places In The World To Launch A Startup – Prismatic

Read more: http://ift.tt/1FM1fG6

The startup question bank: 40 key questions for founders – Prismatic

Read more: http://ift.tt/1FM1eBQ


《经济人》主打原创独家,可以直接点击文章标题下的“经济人”关注,也可在“查找公众号”页面检索“经济人”关注,还可以保存文末二维码图片关注。 Read more: http://ift.tt/1wBVSo3


Zuckerberg坦承他曾經想過dislike按鍵,但有些事情必須要採用正確的方法以帶來好的結果,而不是招致負面效果,讓使用者明確表達他們不喜歡或不同意某事,對這個世界沒有好處。 Read more: http://ift.tt/1qDyysm

The Shape of Things to Come

In recent months, Sir Jonathan Ive, the forty-seven-year-old senior vice-president of design at Apple—who used to play rugby in secondary school, and still has a bench-pressing bulk that he carries a little sheepishly, as if it belonged to someone else—has… Continue Reading →


職場調查報告一直指出,打工仔對不少老闆之管理手法頗有微言。其中一項調查顯示:近7成上班族表示,曾經遭受過職場「冷暴力」(指用非暴力的方式刺激對方,致使對方心靈受到嚴重傷害)。上班族感受到冷暴力的主要來 from Pocket http://ift.tt/1Do06Cd via IFTTT

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