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功能介绍 多年来持续关注企业家阶层的生意与生活。打造最快捷高效的商业资讯交互平台,实现您的商业梦想与精神追求。 Read more: http://ift.tt/1BP86BM


晕轮效应最早是由美国著名心理学家爱德华·桑戴克于20世纪20年代提出的。他认为,人们对人的认知和判断往往只从局部出发,扩散而得出整体印象,也即常常以偏概全。一个人如果被标明是好的,他就会被一种积极肯定的光 Read more: http://ift.tt/1G552Qv


《歲月樓情》的演員如黃日華、唐寧等都與公屋有緣,比如黃日華曾以30萬元為乃父購得東頭邨一個單位,其後乃父再娶,終於吵鬧得沸沸揚揚,一向低調的黃日華因此而成為娛樂版新聞人物;另一個故事則是唐寧的故事, Read more: http://ift.tt/1Hy6PRc

Inside the almost-adult lives of the industry’s newest recruits

We watched the sun set over Twin Peaks, and Matin told me about his high school dropout friends like Latta, 17, who served as lead engineer of Yo, a viral messaging app that simply sends the message “Yo. Read more:… Continue Reading →

LinkedIn Raises Its Game In Social Media With Elevate, An App To Suggest And Share Stories

LinkedIn, the social platform with 350 million users where people network for business deals, new jobs, news, and soon to learn a thing or two, is now tapping another business area: social media management. Read more: http://ift.tt/1PEGLFZ


對沖基金唔對沖,係人都知。但對沖基金成日都想拿拿聲做低你,食飽走人,就令佢哋隨時贏粒糖、輸間廠。對沖基金沽空你,等你泡沫爆破,用地心吸力拉你落嚟,賺錢,係好常見亦勝算好高嘅做法,但賺嘅錢點會比買好 Read more: http://ift.tt/1BYZL7s


功能介绍 口才决定命运,演讲让你腾飞!教你一对一和一对多的演讲说话技巧,让你把话说到心坎上,你将发挥无魅力四射、光芒万丈的人生魅力。 Read more: http://ift.tt/19KRHSg

Twitter Opens Hong Kong Office To Make Money In China

Twitter may be blocked in mainland China, but there is still plenty of money to be made from beyond the Great Firewall. The company opened a Hong Kong office today with the goal of helping companies in China market to… Continue Reading →

亞馬遜放下身段 投靠阿里求運轉

美國網上零售巨擘亞馬遜(Amazon)進軍中國十多年一直苦無進展,最近終於放下身段,到中國勁敵阿里巴巴的平台開店,避免白白浪費在當地的物流投資。阿里這次贏得一仗,在中國老家的王者地位表露無遺。 正所謂驕兵 Read more: http://ift.tt/1CSvD49

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