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The case against Dropbox looks stronger with each passing day

I first met Drew Houston four years ago, when Dropbox, the file storage and synchronization company he founded in 2007, reached 25 million users. Dropbox was in the midst of a growth spurt that has carried it to more than… Continue Reading →

Australian Software-Tools Maker Atlassian Planning U.S. IPO

At least one more billion-dollar startup is plotting an initial public offering this year. Business-software tools maker Atlassian Pty. Ltd., valued at over $3 billion privately, has filed for an IPO and expects to debut on the U.S. Read more:… Continue Reading →

Goodbye, Native Mobile Apps

When we concocted the ideas that would become Atavist and The Atavist Magazine, in 2010, we did so amidst a frenzy of optimism and speculation around new devices, and the apps that would live on them. Read more: http://ift.tt/1LadEuE

What IT Professionals Earn Around the World

Information technology professionals continue to be one of India’s most competitive exports. Despite rising incomes in India, a mid-career IT professional in the South Asian nation still earns only about a third of what he or she could earn in… Continue Reading →

The Truth About Your Uncertain Life Path & Purpose

If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time — you aren’t sure what your life purpose is, or your uncertain about what path you should take in life. This is… Continue Reading →

金雀一半舖面放租 難原貌重開

/ 顯示原圖 銅鑼灣蘭芳道金雀餐廳周日突然宣布停業,有店員說只是裝修,不日重開,但有股東則說與其他股東意見不合,計劃另起爐灶開「新金雀」。不過,餐廳停業後翌日,即傳出金雀餐廳放租消息,金雀原貌重開的可 Read more: http://ift.tt/1MG7NgV

八萬五 vs 八萬五

/ 顯示原圖 樓價似跌未跌之際,發展局局長陳茂波忽然出口術,預告未來3至4年將有8. Read more: http://ift.tt/1OEhGLB

Ahead of IPO Prep, Jack Dorsey Is Telling Key People He Won’t Give Up Square CEO Role

It’s looking more and more like Jack Dorsey is going to have two CEO jobs for the foreseeable future. Read more: http://ift.tt/1QGoac3


9月16日,周三。「十二碼一係入,一係唔入」,絕!陳民傑兄如此「抵死」,老畢焉能不與君山曲唱和,賭一賭聯儲局本周加定唔加?單以此次而論,陳兄既押注不加(網誌題:〈加息?再等一會〉),在下斷無理由應聲附和。 Read more: http://ift.tt/1KSSXUa

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