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本文作者李英豪為北上創業的香港IT人,其創辦的錢方為內地領先移動支付商,厡文刊於《信報》專欄「科網人語」。 Read more: http://ift.tt/1LGd2al


/ 顯示原圖 美國黑人女歌手Rhianna曾唱過:來瓶路易十三,全部由我請客(Louis XIII and it’s all on me)。在流行音樂中提到一瓶2700美元的XO干邑並不奇怪,因為美國已經再次成為全球最大干邑市場。 不過,從人頭馬君度(Rémy Co Read more: http://ift.tt/1jZG6U5

Apple Is Said to Deactivate Its News App in China

HONG KONG — Apple has disabled its news app in China, according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation, the most recent sign of how difficult it can be for foreign companies to manage the strict rules governing… Continue Reading →

The Network Man

Early on a Monday evening in June, Reid Hoffman, the founder and executive chairman of the business-oriented networking site LinkedIn, met Mark Pincus, the founder and chief executive of the gaming site Zynga, for dinner at a casual restaurant in… Continue Reading →


新加坡郵政宣布,與新加坡資訊通信發展管理局(IDA)合作開發以無人機運送郵包服務,把包含一封信及T恤的包裹在5分鐘運送至2公里以外的地方,這是郵政服務首次成功以無人機點對點發送收件人已認證的郵件。 Read more: http://ift.tt/1OrvBG2

Computer science now top major for women at Stanford University

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Computer science has for the first time become the most popular major for female students at Stanford University, a hopeful sign for those trying to build up the thin ranks of women in the technology field…. Continue Reading →

In Hong Kong, prominent angel investor’s dealings raise red flags

Before launching Craftyful, Hong Kong entrepreneur Ken Lee was off to a dream start. His previous website, Lots of Buttons, which – you guessed it – sells buttons to hobbyist crafters – broke even within a year after it began. Read… Continue Reading →

黃元山:籲青年拾獅子山精神 藥石亂投

對於香港社會最近的情況,有不同的分析,有的從政治理念和政治架構、青年人往上流機會減少、青年人對前途迷惘、國家和特區之間的關係、香港人整體生活壓力太大、收入追不上生活指數(包括樓價)、經濟結構單一化、資 Read more: http://ift.tt/1MhlywZ 藥石亂投

滴滴快的獲牌 上海合法營運

騰訊(00700)及阿里巴巴有份持股、被稱為「中國版Uber」的滴滴快的宣布,獲得中國首張互聯網專車牌照,對手Uber和神州租車(00699)表示將向上海市交通委員會提出申請。反觀香港,有Uber司機被捕、快的煞停一號專車,曾考 Read more: http://ift.tt/1FVy0pJ

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