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Tag nft

Hacker costs 🇭🇰 NFT project $1.3m

Money Kingdom, an NFT project based in Hong Kong, was hit with a major security breach that saw a hacker steal cryptocurrencies worth nearly US$1.3 million, South China Morning Post reported. Read more: https://bit.ly/3z3AIY6

Hong Kong NFT project Monkey Kingdom loses $1.3M in phishing hack, launches compensation fund

The exploited nonfungible token project is looking to make things right before the holidays with the help of a compensation fund. According to its developers, the hack first occurred with the breach of Grape, a popular solution for verifying users… Continue Reading →

Players invest $54M in Molyneux’s NFT game Legacy in hopes of earning even more

On Saturday, Peter Molyneux’s 22cans studio and blockchain gaming company Gala Games announced the first limited land sale in Legacy, an NFT-powered game being sold as “a creative entrepreneur’s dream come true. Read more: https://bit.ly/3sfccSo

【NFT拍賣熱潮】蕭雲作品《我們的獅子山》2.8萬元賣出 競投者:相片代表港人重要記憶

近期NFT橫空出世,成為了數碼藝術的潮流,不少創作人都會在網上的 NFT 銷售平台出售個人作品。經常在抗爭現場採訪的獨立攝影師蕭雲,日前將一張名為《我們的獅子山》的相片放到 NFT 銷售平台 Opensea 拍賣,該照片最終由一 Read more: https://bit.ly/3xWWUT7

Popular X-Rated NFTs

September 20, 2021 marked the third visit of global pop icons, BTS, to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Read more: https://bit.ly/3Ha6oP8


寫稿前夕,利世民發來訊息:「你啱,NFT係遊戲居多,有報告為證。」 報告名為「NFT年度報告2020」,雞精版索價239美金,NFT果然有價有市。仔細讀過,去年NFT總市值,約為3.4億美金,是2019年的2. Read more: https://bit.ly/3gBuEyM

【The Sandbox專訪】虛擬土地價格年內累升10倍 平台如何佈局虛擬經濟體系?

虛擬貨幣近月大行其道,與其有關的虛擬資產亦掀起投資浪潮。不過除虛擬貨幣外,近月虛擬土地銷情亦大幅增長。The Sandbox聯合創辦人兼首席運營官Sebastien Borget接受本報訪問時表示,該平台的虛擬土地價格在過去12個月內已升 Read more: https://bit.ly/32FKznB


繼早陣子美股有關GME的神話之後,最近投資圈裡最熱門的話題,一定是各種虛擬貨幣的發展。Bitcoin價格不斷的上升,很多人瞓身加入,連帶其他各種虛擬貨幣也一片利好。但在一眾「傳統」虛擬貨幣之外,另一個貨幣概念已經 Read more: https://bit.ly/3tpBpad

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