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從Lady Gaga身上學會的5個營銷心法


Dave Kerpen CEO, Likeable Local, NY Times Best-Selling Author & Keynote Speaker
1) Focus on Your One Percenters Lady Gaga spends much of her effort on just one percent of her audience- the highly engaged superfans who drive word of mouth. Despite her tens of millions of followers in social media, she focuses more on the die-hard fans that make up a small but valuable part of the fan base. 2) Lead with Values Gaga differs from many of her contemporaries by standing up for issues that she cares about and for sharing her values. Leading with values is not easy - and may lead to some people, who disagree with your values, not wanting to do business with you. But when done with integrity and commitment, some customers will also go out of the way to reward you with their loyalty. 3) Build Community She built her own social network for the die-hard fans called LittleMonsters.com. Fans set up profiles, post fan art and photos, message each other, and find links to concert dates. They even get their own LittleMonsters.com e-mail address, linking their online identity to Gaga. The pop star is on the site weekly, posting special messages to fans, “liking” and commenting on their fan art, and participating in chat discussions. 4) Give Fans a Name In essence, a name gives your fans something further to join, to be part of, and to feel connected to. The simple act of referring to themselves by the name gives customers a strong sense of belonging. 5) Give Them Something to Talk About You don't need to wear a meat dress to get people talking. But you should think about what you can say and do to get your customers and fans talking about you in a positive way. Whether it's a VIP club, surprising and delighting customers, a color that really stands out, or something else entirely, in general, the more you give people to talk about, the better.

Dave Kerpen CEO, Likeable Local, NY Times Best-Selling Author & Keynote Speaker 1) Focus on Your One Percenters Lady Gaga spends much of her effort on just one percent of her audience- the highly engaged superfans who drive word of… Continue Reading →


39c908d Jonah Berger Wharton Professor and Author of NYT Bestseller, Contagious: Why Things Catch On
  1. Pre-Commit. Decide how much time you want to spend in advance. Once it goes off, you have to choose whichever option you were looking at last.
  2. Take A Break. Stepping away for a few minutes and doing something else will provide some needed perspective and help you see whether a particular decision is really worth the effort.
  3. Satisfice. People often maximize, trying to find the best possible option. But in many cases, any of the options would make you quite satisfied. Flip a coin. Either option is great.
  1. Make Better Quality Decisions with the Help of This Spreadsheet
  2. Geek to Live: Four ways to make a big decision

Jonah Berger Wharton Professor and Author of NYT Bestseller, Contagious: Why Things Catch On Pre-Commit. Decide how much time you want to spend in advance. Once it goes off, you have to choose whichever option you were looking at last…. Continue Reading →

Facebook 即將上市,NYT 當年這樣評論 Facebook 的未來

Consider Facebook, the popular but financially unproven social network, which is reportedly being valued by investors at up to $15 billion. That is nearly half the value of Yahoo, a company with 38 times the number of employees and, based… Continue Reading →

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