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Tag netflix

Netflix’s Carla Engelbrecht Chooses Her Own Adventures

Earlier this year, Carla Engelbrecht flew to Phoenix, sat on the couch in a stranger’s living room, and observed the stranger watching—or possibly playing or experiencing—a movie-length installment of Black Mirror. Read more: http://bit.ly/2zkRCDh

Netflix confirms it killed AirPlay support, won’t let you beam shows to Apple TVs anymore

With no warning and little explanation, Netflix has removed the easiest way to sling its shows from one Apple device to another: AirPlay. Netflix confirmed to The Verge that it pulled the wireless casting feature this past week, due to… Continue Reading →


Giri / Haji Helped by a young Japanese-British hustler, a Tokyo sleuth searches London for his brother, who’s involved with the Yakuza and wanted for murder. Read more: http://bit.ly/2sUesOD

Netflix CEO: Why $8 billion investment in content still isn’t enough

Netflix expects to spend about $8 billion on content this year. CEO Reed Hastings says that’s still not enough. Why it matters: The company is competing against a range of traditional entertainment companies around the globe, and of course, against… Continue Reading →

Netflix: The Monster That’s Eating Hollywood

Tara Flynn, a rising star at a TV production unit of 21st Century Fox, walked into her boss’s office last August and told him she was quitting and joining streaming-video giant Netflix Inc. The news was not well-received. Read more:… Continue Reading →

ViuTV 4 月 6 號開台必讀 ! 收睇方法 + 未來節目表完全攻略

三月 1, 2016 • 城中熱話, 實用技巧, 重點推介 • 將接手亞視牌照的大氣電波,並已定於一個月後的 4 月 6 日正式啟播之 ViuTV,今日舉行節目發佈會,公佈各種發展詳情。究竟作為一個香港人,我們可以怎樣收看到 ViuTV 呢?該 Read more: http://bit.ly/1UxFbZw


自從有咗netflix連煲幾日美劇《The Originals》 成套戲係講不死僵屍三兄妹 再加啲狼人呀女巫呀 三兄妹明明係世上最優越生物 長生不老力量無窮 偏偏一啲都唔開心 好緊張對方偏又成日開拖 好得一輪轉頭又打到九彩 正係生命中不能承受之輕入面講既 “如果我們生命的每一秒鐘 都有無數次的重複 我們就會像耶穌釘於十字架 被釘死在永恆上” 生命好玩正因為冇take2 看似自由的”輕”可能讓人更加抑鬱!

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