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Tag mobile payment

電子支付賬戶破4000萬 上季交易額297億 網購佔四成

原文刊於信報財經新聞 金管局首次公布有關儲值支付工具(俗稱電子支付)在港的使用情況,去年第四季本港使用中的儲值支付的工具總數已突破4000萬個賬戶,涉及交易金額逾297億元,其中39%為網上消費支付。市場人士指 Read more: http://bit.ly/2o95F8k

Google experiments with a way to pay without taking out your phone

Google is rolling out a pilot program today that introduces a new way to pay cashiers — and it involves leaving your phone in your pocket. It’s called Hands Free, and it’s a way to basically connect your phone with… Continue Reading →

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