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創業起義|起動MeWe戶口 共建網上第二家園(尹思哲)

MeWe創辦於2012年,開宗名義「反Fb」,宣言是「不監視、無廣告、簡單算法」。多年來,MeWe用戶遠遠落後Fb,直至最近美總統大選,Fb粗暴打壓特朗普,終引爆大規模移民潮,短短72小時內,百萬用戶轉到MeWe平台。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3mlZXO0

創業起義|起動MeWe戶口 共建網上第二家園(尹思哲)

MeWe創辦於2012年,開宗名義「反Fb」,宣言是「不監視、無廣告、簡單算法」。多年來,MeWe用戶遠遠落後Fb,直至最近美總統大選,Fb粗暴打壓特朗普,終引爆大規模移民潮,短短72小時內,百萬用戶轉到MeWe平台。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3mlZXO0

一千一百多萬人已加入 MeWe,我們來看看一些數據!

最近,香港網民最熱門話題之一除了沒有停止過的社會問題之外,就是在討論進行社交平台大遷移,其中最多人選擇離開 Facebook 投入 MeWe。而作為 Facebook 現時最理想的取代者,MeWe 用戶人數一夜大暴增,在此與大家看看相關數據 Read more: https://bit.ly/3fJmemd

What is MeWe? Everything you need to know about the social network competing with Parler

Now that you know everything about Parler, the conservative social network that’s currently the number one free app in the App Store, there’s yet another social network popular with Trump supporters that you may want to know about. Read more:… Continue Reading →

Setting the Record Straight

On May 23, 2019, Rolling Stone published an article about MeWe that contained so many falsehoods and was so overtly biased, it’s hard to believe it made it out of the drafts folder. Read more: https://bit.ly/2VnqzT7

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