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【Unwire】 疫下新常態:醫療初創推「視像睇醫生」、「藥物圖標」照顧病者

疫下各行業均受影響,部分甚出現結業潮,醫療界也不例外,雖然需求上升,但如何在保障病人及醫護人員下提供服務,並且體貼病患及照顧者的需要,也存在很多挑戰。 Read more: https://unwire.pro/2022/04/14/medtech-in-hk-after-covid/feature/ 我的Unwire專題/專欄文章: bit.ly/unwire-wanszezit

AI Pharma Startup METiS Raises $150 Million. IPO In Sight?

Key takeaways: METiS Pharmaceuticals has completed five funding rounds since its establishment in January 2020, including the latest two worth $150 million The company was incubated by AI pharmaceutical unicorn XtaiPl, whose most recent valuation exceeded $2. Read more: https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/04/26596254/ai-pharma-startup-metis-raises-150-million-ipo-in-sight


疫下各行業均受影響,部分甚出現結業潮,醫療界也不例外,雖然需求上升,但如何在保障病人及醫護人員下提供服務,並且體貼病患及照顧者的需要,也存在很多挑戰。 Learn more: https://unwire.pro/2022/04/14/medtech-in-hk-after-covid/feature/

Cornerstone Robotics Bags $78.4 Million in Series B Financing, With Investment From Meituan’s VC Fund DragonBall

We also support Hindi language, do you want change to it? We also support Punjabi language, do you want change to it? Read more: https://bit.ly/3xDZGfN

Access to Telemedicine Is Hardest for Those Who Need It Most

Are you a parent with kids in school or doing remote learning? Or a teacher back in the classroom or working on Zoom? We want to hear your stories about educating kids in the time of Covid-19 for an upcoming… Continue Reading →

Cancer sucks, but there are some exciting developments on the research front. In the last month alone, we’ve seen regulators consider a CRISPR therapy that directly targets tumor cells—a first for the U.S. Read more: http://bit.ly/2RereTX

生科股熱潮退 融資趨難 業界:中資企業最受影響 估值料受壓

明報記者 陳惠恩 內地去年限制走資,影響上市公司的估值水平,生物科技股亦同受影響。夏爾巴投資創始人及管理合伙人蔡大慶表示,目前資金流向稍為偏穩,但市場仍盼望有較明顯的放開資金限制。他認為,估值對生物科技 Read more: http://bit.ly/2wzXibn

Evolve獲維港及蓋茨基金投資 美嬰兒益生菌製劑攻港

原文刊於信報財經新聞專欄「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 Evivo入門套裝足夠嬰兒服用4周,售價由638港元起。(Evivo網上圖片) 美國生物科技公司Evolve BioSystems周一(6日)宣布,在香港和新加坡等市場,推出其嬰幼兒益生菌產品Evivo。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2YJPlfR


股債回報快,有本港「賓架」5年前卻毅然轉型,開創回報無期的生物科技集團。他直認是受清太宗皇太極影響,相信孫子兵法「不硬撼」為王道,有見美國生物科技市場競爭激烈,選擇開拓香港和英聯邦的新興市場,冀把握本 Read more: http://bit.ly/2oOXj7R

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